The Grey Jedi Order Explained

Grey Jedi symbol

Image Source: Find Your Forces

There are different kinds of fans when it comes to Star Wars. There are the fans that have seen only the movies, only the shows, or the fans that have seen most of the content and read the books and/or played the video games. With so much content at our fingertips and more content arriving daily, it feels overwhelming to keep up with all of the different characters, codes, and planets. One group of characters that many fans know nothing about are the Grey Jedi and their code. It is no secret that there are flaws within the Jedi Order and that many Jedi, including Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke, used both the dark and light sides of the Force when needed, but it is not readily discussed within the franchise. 

Obi-Wan famously said in Revenge of the Sith that “only a Sith deals in absolutes.” However, the Jedi Order are known for doing just that and turning away anyone that does not perfectly fit into their mold (i.e. Ahsoka in The Clone Wars Season 5). While some unorthodox Jedi like Qui-Gon Jinn have been referred to as a Grey Jedi, we are going to dive into who they were and the Code they followed.


The Grey Jedi were first introduced in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). These Jedi are not officially part of the Star Wars canon and are typically only featured in video game content. We did almost see it added to the canon in the form of an unproduced duel during the sequel trilogy. In the duel, Rey would declare that she was “of the light and the dark” thus describing the Grey Jedi and bringing them officially into the canon. 

Knights of the Old Republic promo art

Image Source: Nintendo

As the Grey Jedi have not been officially added to the current canon, we are left with mere mentions in video games and the countless fanfiction that exists in Star Wars communities across the internet. The main consensus among fans is that after the First Jedi Purge at the end of the Dark Wars in 3951BBY there were Jedi that refused to adhere to the new Jedi code and they would be referred to as “Grey Jedi”.

While there was never an official Grey Jedi Code, there has been one created by fans. It is similar to the Jedi Code, except it focuses on the balance between light and dark as opposed to using only the light side of the Force. It also does not forbid attachments. The Code Reads: 

“There is no Dark Side, nor Light Side

There is only the force

I will do what I must to keep the balance

The balance is what keeps me together

There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish

There is passion, Yet emotion

Serenity, Yet peace

Chaos, Yet order

I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance

I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way

I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance

I am a guardian of balance

I am a Grey Jedi.”



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