A Quick Guide To The Core Worlds
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The Core Worlds, also known as the Galactic Core, was an area that bordered the Deep Core. It contained some of the wealthiest and most prestigious planets within the Star Wars universe. It was home to Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire.
It also emphasized freedom of customization, which was present in core-built ships. The Core Worlds also showed the inequalities between it and the Outer Rim, which set the stage for many conflicts during the Clone Wars, and Galactic Civil War.
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This planet was located in the Coruscant subsector of the Corusca system. It was a city-covered planet that was collectively known as the Imperial City. It was the capital of the Galactic Republic, and then later the Galactic Empire. It is believed that this planet was the original homeworld of humanity, even though some historians disagree. It consists of trillions of citizens, both human and alien. It was home to the Jedi temple and the Senate Building.
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It was the homeworld to many famous pilots such as Han Solo and Wedge Antilles. It is located in the Corellian sector and has a temperate climate. It is covered in forests, jungles, and urban centers. The planet was known for its ace pilots and large starships. The planet also had vast shipyards that produced many vessels, including starfighters and Star Destroyers for the Galactic Empire. The planet's politics was dangerous, and sometimes even drew blood, due to politicians vying for new positions, and getting involved in shady deals.
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This was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. The surface had vast bodies of water, snow-capped mountains, and green grassy hills. It was known in the galaxy as “the planet of beauty”. The people of Alderaan were artistic and lived for the planet's beauty, even though it could be dangerous with its sharp cliffs. It was home to Queen Breha Organa, who ruled during the Galactic Republic and was represented by her husband Senator Bail Organa. It is also the home to their daughter, Princess Leia Organa.
Hosnian Prime
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This planet was located in the Hosnian system of the Core Worlds along the Corellian Trade Spine. Similar to the planet of Coruscant, it is an ecumenopolis. It hosted a factory complex run by Czerka Arms, who utilized slavery to get their work done. It later became the headquarters for the Galactic Senate and was the capital during the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order. Unfortunately, the planet and others in the same star system were destroyed by Starkiller Base, when the First Order was looking to get rid of the illegitimate Republic government.
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The homeworld to rebel leader and senator, Mon Mothma. It was a small blue-green planet with calm seas and rolling hills. It had mid-seasonal weather and rarely experienced any dangerous weather. The capital city was called Hanna City and hosted the Chandrila Senate house. During the Galactic Civil War, it supported the Alliance, thus making it a target of the second Death Star. After the Battle of Endor, it became the capital of the New Republic. It also served as the homeworld and birthplace of Leia Organa and Han Solo’s son, Ben Solo.
There are many planets contained in the Star Wars universe. Some we’ve seen many times, some have been briefly named or mentioned, and some we’ve never heard of. Hopefully, as the amount of Star Wars content grows, it will expand to these planets that haven’t been explored, and we can discover what other stories are out there.
Source: Wookiepedia