Din Djarin And Bo-Katan Discover A Monstrous Beast At The End Of ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 3 Episode 2, ‘The Mines Of Mandalore'
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“You are a Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur.”
- Kuiil
In Season 3, Episode 2 of The Mandalorian, “The Mines of Mandalore,” Din Djarin fulfilled his pledge to return to Mandalore, which was devastated by the Empire. This was so that he might redeem himself in the eyes of his Mandalorian sect, whose creed he violated when he removed his helmet. After much struggle and hardship and near-fatal encounters with some of the subterranean denizens of the devastated planet, Din, along with Bo-Katan and Grogu, reached the legendary Mines of Mandalore and the Living Waters located under the capital city of Sundari. Din began the ritual and descended into the water. However, he abruptly disappeared underwater and rapidly fell to the bottom of the pool. After rescuing Din, Bo-Katan caught a glimpse of a monstrous beast believed to be long extinct, the mythosaur.
The mythosaur is a large creature indigenous to Mandalore and capable of living on the ground or in the water. Despite having never been seen in the Star Wars franchise until now, the mythosaur has nonetheless been a part of Star Wars lore at least as far back as The Empire Strikes Back, which introduced the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Boba Fett. The Mandalorian sigil visible on his armor, as well as that of other various Mandalorian characters in the franchise ever since, is, in fact, an image of a mythosaur skull. In the second episode of The Mandalorian, Kuiil commented how Mandalorians once rode mythosaurs when he chided Din, who he realized is a Mandalorian, about how he should have been able to ride a blurrg easily.
Image Source: Wookieepedia
There has been significant lore established in Legends about the mythosaur, specifically that early Mandalorians hunted the creatures to extinction, and continued to use their bones for ceremonial weapons and armor, as well as, of course, as a sigil for some of the clans. However, there is not a significant amount of information made available yet about the mythosaurs in the current canon other than how that Mandalorians once tamed and rode them as mounts and that they are now believed to be extinct for currently unknown (and possibly different) reasons. Their skulls are still used as a sigil for some Mandalorians, at least up through the days of the Old Republic.
What does the appearance of a live mythosaur, in the depths of a devastated planet no less, mean for Mandalorians? The Armorer previously told Din how the future of Mandalore is connected to the legendary creature. Now that Din and Bo-Katan have come across a living one, it will be interesting to see how this discovery affects Din and Bo-Katan as well as what this might mean for the future of Mandalore and Mandalorians.
Image Source: Agents of Fandom
Source(s): Gizmodo, Wookieepedia