The Territories And Regions Of The ‘Star Wars’ Galaxy
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The Star Wars galaxy is vast, full of alien species and their offshoots, planets, moons, and celestial phenomena. Culture Slate has already covered some elements of this expansive and diverse galactic geography, but we felt it was a good time to revisit this topic and provide a clear overview of the world in which Star Wars takes place.
Deep Core
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The Deep Core is home to the giant black hole at the center of the Star Wars galaxy, but is also full of regional anomalies like nebulae, stars, and planets. This intense cluttering made travel in the region difficult, but it was not impossible as the space was home to some of the longest-inhabited or oldest settled locations in the galaxy. One is Tython, a world of significance to the Jedi, while another is the ecumenopolis Empress Teta, a seat of human civilization.
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The heart of the galaxy’s economy and power, the Core is dense with planets built up over millennia, thanks to their accumulation of power and prestige. Every major hyperlane runs to or through the region, and its most notable world is Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic. But other ecumenopoli can be found there, like Hosnian Prime, or worlds with major prestige like Kuat and Corellia.
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The first layer beyond the Core, the Colonies are a narrow band of territory just as developed and thriving as the Core. The first location of expansion by populations located in the Core, the Colonies have many important trade routes passing through them as well, with notable worlds like Cato Neimoidia, Fondor, and Abednado along these pathways.
Inner Rim Territories
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The Inner Rim Territories once represented the frontier of galactic expansion as seen by those of the Core, and exist beyond the Colonies. As colonization of the galaxy continued outward from the Core, worlds like Onderon, Manaan, Bestine IV, and Taanab were discovered or settled by explorers or migrating peoples.
Expansion Region
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The following step in expansion for those close to the center of the galaxy was outward once again when the next wave of colonization began. Sitting between the Inner and Mid Rim Territories, the Expansion Region became a strategic region to hold power in given this position. Worlds like Kerkoidia, Umbara, and Shili were found here, with Togruta territory around Shili a site of unfortunate conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Togruta during the mid-High Republic.
Mid Rim Territories
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The Mid Rim Territories were home to many stable, prosperous worlds far from the Core, but often with ties to them despite the distance. Some, like Naboo, were home to settled human populations alongside the natives of the world, while others like Kashyyyk remained dominated by the native populace, in this case, the Wookiees. This was also the furthest extent of stable Galactic Republic control during its history, as the Outer Rim was far less secure in its Republic allegiance. In addition to Naboo and Kashyyyk, worlds like Kijimi, Ithor, and Malastare could be found in the Mid Rim.
Outer Rim Territories
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Full of civilization but also rough frontiers and unexplored planets, the Outer Rim Territories is home to many notable worlds in Star Wars lore. It is often a region that is underrepresented or overlooked in the halls of power in the Core, both because of its connections to the criminal element like the Hutt Cartel and because it is the furthest distance from the Core. The southern regions of the Outer Rim were also the site of focus for much of the High Republic, where the Nihil had their base of power, and where they first formed their Occlusion Zone using their Stormwall in Phase 3 of the publishing initiative. Worlds like Tatooine, Mandalore, and Dathomir could be found across the broad expanse of the Outer Rim, seats of power for criminals, great warriors and witches.
Unknown Regions
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The Unknown Regions is a large section of the galaxy found to the galactic west and is a unique area for the density of the anomalies found there. Long ago, chains of exploding supernovas led to the Unknown Regions being filled with turbulence for normal hyperspace travel, making long periods of travel difficult to achieve by normal means. They developed a reliance on Force-sensitive pilots capable of steering vessels through hyperspace, but are also capable of point-to-point jumps. The Unknown Regions is home to the Csilia, the Chiss homeworld, and planets like Ahch-To and Exegol, one a center for the Jedi and the other, the Sith.
Wild Space
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Wild Space is the zone of the galaxy at the very periphery. Beyond the Outer Rim or even the Unknown Regions, Wild Space is the uncharted expanse of the unknown, home to some of the strangest planets known to Star Wars. For instance, The High Republic introduced the worlds of Multia, the homeworld of the Drengir, and Planet X as being located in Wild Space. However, better-known worlds such as Teth also existed within Wild Space.