This Scene In 'Star Wars: Andor' Proves That Tony Gilroy Understands 'Star Wars'
Image Source: TVInsider
Tony Gilroy is the mastermind behind the Disney+ show Andor. This show follows Cassian Andor before the events of Rogue One took place. But there are a few details in the show that shows how much Tony Gilroy understands what he is doing and understands how to expand the universe. The main detail is shown in a video by EcksClips. In this clip, we see a very small detail that really highlights his Star Wars knowledge. In episode 11’s space battle, Luthen faces off against some TIE fighters.
In this scene, we see a ship that looks slightly different from a normal TIE. Despite this ship looking like a TIE Bomber, this ship is actually called a TIE Boarding Shuttle. A bomber in this situation would not make sense, leading lots of fans to be confused at first on why there would be a bomber in this space battle, but at a closer look, you can see the difference between the two ships. They are both almost exactly the same except for some very small differences and there are no bomb doors on the TIE boarding shuttle.
Image Source: Forbes
The ship has shown up in one other piece of Star Wars media and that was Gilroy’s other project, Rogue One. This may seem like a very small detail to include in the movie and make a big deal out of, but it is this kind of detail that shows us that Gilroy knows what he is doing. He has kept consistent with Rogue One and Andor and is doing an excellent job of making sure that there is continuity between the two pieces of media.
His attention to detail in this show is amazing and using the proper ships for different situations is a huge deal for the Star Wars community. Having a director care so much about the details in the shows and movies helps make Andor a perfect Star Wars show and models how all Star Wars shows should be. Hopefully, we can get Gilroy to direct some more movies or TV shows so we can get some more good shows to help improve the Star Wars timeline.
Source: EcksClips