This Sith Lord Wanted To Make The Jedi Obsolete
Source: Game Spot
Geetsly’s Youtube channel reveals the story of a Bith Sith Lord who wanted to destroy the Jedi by saving the world. This strange tale begins in the 247 BBY with the birth of Rugess Nome, a Bith with a scientific mind and a connection to the force. Instead of being trained by the Jedi, Nome was found by the current Dark Lord, a Twi’lek. Nome took the name Darth Tenebrous.
As his powers grew, the Jedi became aware of a darkness that was altering the force. Instead of killing the Jedi, Tenebrous sought to sever their connection to the force through a manufactured virus. After the plan failed, Tenebrous slays his master to become Sith Lord and seeks an apprentice. Rather than searching for the perfect apprentice, he arranges for a pair of Mygeeto Muuns to conceive a child strong with the Force, Hego Damask. Tenebrous guided the child to become Darth Plagueis.
Image Source: Old School Toys
Plagueis’ father worked as the chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan, and Plagueis inherited his father’s business and wealth. Meanwhile, Tenebrous gathered wealth by working as a shipwright and selling exclusively to the galaxy’s elite. Armed with wealth and connections, Tenebrous began his grand plan.
Instead of having faith in the Force, Tenebrous and his apprentice saw the Force as a biological ability. With this rationalistic approach, the pair spent much of their time studying midi-chlorians, the source of the Force, not its users.
The next phase of the plan was more complicated than simply killing the Jedi. Tenebrous wanted the Jedi to be useless and redundant, so he sought to build advanced technology that would ration the entire galaxy’s sources. With people fed and sheltered, there would be less crime, and no need for Jedi to swoop in and seize the day.
With the Jedi out of the way, the Sith would be free to rule without opposition. To achieve this end, Tenebrous planned to create a computer that uses the Force for accurate predictions. But he was slain by his apprentice before he could carry out his plan. Plagueis took the title of Sith Lord and recruited his apprentice, Darth Sidious.
Image Source: Wookieepedia
However, the Force gave Tenebrous some warning of this event, so he sought out a second apprentice, breaking a Sith rule. Tenebrous named the new apprentice Darth Venamis and trained him in secret.
Despite his death, Tenebrous had one final trick up his sleeve. He infected his midi-chlorians with a retrovirus, allowing him some control from beyond the grave. These inflected midi-chlorians took root in Plagueis’ body and waited for the Chosen One to appear. Tenebrous had plans to move his essence to the Chosen One for a chance at a second life.
Meanwhile, Plagueis discovered Venamis and used his body in experiments, killing and resurrecting him several times. Tenebrous’ plans ended with the death of Plagueis. Because of the retrovirus, he could not become a Force ghost, but his midi-chlorians survive and relive his death in an endless cycle.
Source(s): YouTube