Was Darth Plagueis Right About The Galaxy?
Image Source: Geekositymag
Born as Hego Damask, Darth Plagueis was one of the few that challenged the many philosophies surrounding the concept of the Force, a mystical power that is at the heart of the conflict between good and evil in the context of a political and military war between Jedi and Sith.
From the womb of his mother to his death, Darth Plagueis’s life was centered around the purpose of taming the full potential of the Force to find a way to cheat death, an ability long coveted by the Sith Order. It all started with Darth Tenebrous, who drew Plagueis’s Muun parents into his inhuman experimentations, which resulted in a child with great potential in the use of the Force, whom he later took on as an apprentice. Tenebrous’ initial plan was to defeat the Jedi by inventing a technology so powerful that it could make the peacekeepers and their Force power obsolete. However, Plagueis’ plan diverged from his master’s, and instead, he started scheming to take over the Republic by infiltrating the galactic government to strengthen the Sith Empire.
Nonetheless, like his former master, Plagueis was materialistic and relied on science to find the key to unlock the secrets of immortality. Contrary to other Force users, Plagueis didn’t believe in the power of meditation and communion when it came to becoming one with the Force. Instead, he believed that understanding midi-chlorians, a microscopic and intelligent life form and a core element of life in the Galaxy, was the key to being able to use the Force at its full potential.
After he took Sheev Palpatine as his apprentice, Plagueis left to the latter his grand plan and locked himself on the moon of Sojourn to study the midi-chlorians and their properties. There, he developed techniques based on chemical reactions and the use of the Dark Force to control the midi-chlorians, which allowed him to play with the essence of life. During his lifetime, Plagueis rejected any ounce of mysticism and philosophy and solely relied on physical and chemical reactions to understand the results of his research. Ultimately, Plagueis believed that the Force was merely a type of science that wasn’t fully understood yet.
Image Source: IGN
This being said, Plagueis had a narrowed vision of the galaxy due to his egocentric personality and his materialistic way of thinking. Of course, his materialistic position allowed him to understand aspects of the Force that the Jedi and Sith never could, but to base his research solely on that was a mistake. For example, at one point in his life, Plagueis encountered a spirit on Jorriban and thought it was a hallucination, denying any form of existence after death when it was proven that these Force Ghosts were real in the original trilogy. In the end, we could say that what failed Plagueis’s research was his own philosophy.
Source(s): YouTube