What Really Happened On Kamino And Why It Matters To ‘Star Wars’
Image Source: Frikipolis
During Episodes 7 and 8 of The Bad Batch, the full mystery of Kamino was revealed to the Empire at large. In the past, the Kaminoans ran a cloning facility commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. However, with the help of Count Dooku, the Sith took over the project and wiped the record. No one knew of the clone troopers being amassed here and the special inhibitor chip that was implanted in all of them to guarantee their obedience to Order 66.
After the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine changed his tactics to recruit and indoctrinate a stormtrooper army, leaving the Empire with no need and no love for Kamino and its clones. Under Tarkin’s orders, Vice Admiral Rampart destroyed Kamino in The Bad Batch Season 1 finale, letting any trace of civilization sink below its sea. A group of clones, known as the Bad Batch, managed to escape the destruction of the planet and teamed up with Senator Chuchi to spread the truth about Kamino.
Rampart officially reported that the planet had suffered from a natural disaster, and did everything to conceal the truth from the public. He then pushed for the passage of the Defense Recruitment Bill which would create an army of recruits, thus making clone troopers obsolete. However, Senator Chuchi had her suspicions. Although Rampart was prepared with assassins to keep the situation quiet, Chuchi managed to expose his role in the genocide. This, of course, created a political scandal that fans have named “The Clone Conspiracy,” after the episode’s title.
Palpatine still found a way to use this scandal to his advantage. He arrested Rampart for his part in Kamino’s destruction. He then blamed the clones for following Rampart’s orders without question, using their actions as a reason why the Empire should no longer use them. This is ironic considering the success of Order 66 was due to the clone troopers being forced by the inhibitor chip to comply. Relying on his own manipulation tactics, Palpatine convinced the Senate to pass the Defense Recruitment Bill in the name of peace and stability .
Thus, the army of stormtroopers was born from the ashes of the Kamino scandal, and the galaxy is in for a world of hurt. It is officially the end of an era and the beginning of another.
Source(s): Screen Rant, Wookieepedia