5 Reasons Why Luke Skywalker Was A Bad Teacher
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Luke Skywalker may have saved the galaxy but is he the man to leave in charge of training a new generation of Jedi? One thing both canon and legends agree on, Luke is an awful teacher. The evidence is all there.
5. Sith Blind Spot
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Skywalker completely missed that Snoke was having telepathic conversations with his nephew. Snoke was slowly brainwashing Ben Solo for years, and Luke had no idea. Skywalker and Solo investigated an old Jedi outpost on Elphrona and encountered the Knights of Ren for the first time. They saw the dark side in Ben, even though the Jedi Master did not. Luke was oblivious to the cozy chats between The Knights of Ren and Ben Solo. In Kevin J Anderson’s Jedi Academy Trilogy, it gets worse. This incarnation of Skywalker decided to open his new school for force sensitives on Yavin 4. A planet covered in Sith Temples, the biggest of which (The Great Temple from Return of The Jedi) he used as the location for the Praxeum. Legends Luke similarly did not spot the spirit of Exar Kun (A dead Sith Lord) wreaking havoc. Even after a student died, it did not occur to Skywalker to move the Praxium somewhere else, somewhere without a murdering ghost.
4. Morally Questionable Actions
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In The Rise of Kylo Ren graphic novel series, we are given more detail about how badly Luke failed Ben Solo. Luke could have done a million things, he could have looked for answers in the Force, he could have tracked down Snoke or the Knights of Ren. He could have talked to his nephew and offered support. But that’s not what happened. Luke forced himself into Ben’s mind when he was sleeping. When he didn’t like what he found, Luke flipped out and attacked Ben when he was vulnerable. Remind us which Jedi fell to the dark side again.
3. Death Count
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It’s risky being a Jedi, but even more so if Luke Skywalker is your master. In canon, all the apprentices stationed at the Temple on Ossus died. In the Expanded Universe, Gantoris had nightmares about a ‘dark man’. He assumed it to be Luke Skywalker until he was recruited to the Jedi Praxium and burnt from the inside out by Exar Kun. Luke’s teaching also caused collateral damage. When Kyp Durron fell to the dark side he committed mass genocide, taking out an entire solar system before Han Solo talked him back to the light.
2. Gives Up On His Students At The First Sign of Trouble
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In The Book of Boba Fett, Luke ditched Grogu because he understandably had warm fuzzy feelings for the man who saved his life. On Ahch-To, as soon as Luke learned of a link between Rey and Kylo Ren he kicked her to the curb, even though she was the best chance of continuing the Jedi Order. He wasn’t exactly a solid master for his nephew.
1. Abandons Responsibility
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In the Expanded Universe, Luke ditched all the other apprentices at the Jedi Academy as soon as the more powerful Kyp Durron arrived. The inexperienced force newbies are left to train each other, while he worked one on one with his favorite. Luke abandoned his responsibility of safeguarding the Jedi Order when he ran away to Ahch-To. He made sure that no one else was able to master the Force by taking the Jedi sacred texts with him, and even attempting to destroy them. Is that what Yoda and Obi-Wan had in mind for the future of the Order?
Luke only had a few weeks of training, geared to fight the Empire. Yoda and Obi-Wan were not certain that he would survive the ordeal. That’s why they had Leia as the backup. They didn’t give him the tools to be a great teacher, they gave him the tools to take down his father. It’s probably a good thing that Grogu got out when he did.
Source(s): Games Radar Wikipedia Wookieepedia