9 Things From Star Wars Legends That Should Be Made Canon
Image Source: Collider.com
The decision by Disney to wipe the Extended Universe from Canon into Legends, was met with some unhappiness from fans. However, as the years have gone on, the Imperial Senate at the House of Mouse, have done a fantastic job of cherry-picking some of the best parts of Star Wars Legends, and fitting them into everyone’s favourite galactic space opera.
Here are 9 examples of more Legend-ary tales (see what I did there) that are ripe to be brought into the canonical fold.
9. Outbound Flight
Image Source: Star Wars Wiki
Written by the phenomenally talented Timothy Zahn, of Thrawn fame, Outbound Flight has everything you need for a riveting romp in the Star Wars universe. Potentially unhinged Jedi Masters, intrigue and mystery, espionage, and the idea of exploring the furthest unknown reaches of space, but to fulfill whose agenda? What more could we want in a series that could be a modern-day Lost In Space?
8. Twin Engines Of Destruction
Image Source: Dark Horse Comics
We almost got a hint of this in The Mandalorian, with someone running around in Boba’s armour. Alas, all we ended up with was the offensively handsome Timothy Olyphant as Cobb Vanth. As consolation prizes go it was a pretty good one though. But in a galaxy the size it is, rumours and myths spread like wildfire. So, what if someone was trading on the fear and rep of old-school Boba Fett? Sounds like our new family-friendly crime lord might have something to say about that. With blasters
7. Exar Kun
Image Source: Star Wars Fandom
Before Darth Sidious
Before Darth Vader
Before Darth Maul
Before Darth Tyranus
There was Exar Kun, a man so confident in his own power and reputation, he didn’t even bother with the Honorific. There is a reason this guy keeps popping back up in visions, holocrons, and spiritual kidnappings, he is fantastically powerful, is fantastically evil, and has fantastic hair.
6. Starkiller
Image Source: Polygon.com
We all knew this was going to get an appearance in this list, and we all know that he nearly appeared already as an Inquisitor. So far, so internet listicle. However, the character himself is still so interesting and conflicted that he would make a fantastic addition to the Star Wars Canon, even if they tweaked his backstory to fit into the current cinematic and television universe. Unbridled force powers, mixed with confusion and rage, equals a big problem for someone out there.
5. Darth Plagueis
Image Source: Star Wars Fandom
Stretching Canon/non-Canon a little bit as technically he is mentioned in Revenge of the Sith. However, this character has a fantastic backstory, motivation, and power set. It opens us up to the world of Sith Alchemy and the darker related arts, which would be phenomenal to see explored on the big screen. Plus, who doesn’t want to see the man so evil that he trained and mentored Palpatine, before eventually succumbing to his own monster? The more I think about it the more it’s just Space Frankenstein, and I’m ok with that.
4. Kyle Katarn
Image Source: StarWarsInterviews.com
Why are Kyle, Poe, Finn, and Chewie not off having swashbuckling space adventures? There is treasure to be plundered, bad guys to annoy, natives to woo, and quips to be had. Give us handsome man space adventures and greenlight a second series already. Lando can come too.
3. Knights Of The Old Republic (mainly HK-47)
Image Source: Swtor.com
Everyone loves Knights of the Old Republic – and rightly so. It has charm, scares, heart, jank, and fun by the barrel full. But frankly, it is criminal, that we have yet to see HK-47 having fun killing meatbags across the stars just for the fun of it. He could fit in any time period, on any planet, and works as an ally or a foe. Plus, the dialogue is already perfect
“He requires proof of good faith. We must make a contribution to his people that shows we are not a threat...shall I blast him now, Master?”
2. Prince Xizor
Image Source: Star Wars Wiki
He is a giant lizard man who exudes pheromones that make women fall in love with him. Try and stop Taika Waititi from taking this one and running with it to dangerous, yet potentially sexy consequences. Oh yeah and he runs a criminal organisation or something.
1. Yuuzhan Vong War
Image Source: Pagelagi.com
This one is odd actually that it hasn’t turned up in some way shape or form. A huge, galaxy-spanning event that has real ramifications on characters we know and love (RIP Chewie). It even gives light to the theory that Palpatine was doing all his evil cackling and planning because he knew these beings were out there and he had to prepare the galaxy for them. Scary, planet-spanning, the potential for real heart and loss, and some lovely cameos. This is a winner.
Query: I was under the assumption that organic meatbags such as yourself enjoyed such forms of articles?