The 7 Best Moments In ‘Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones’
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Every Star Wars film is best described by the battles and lightsaber duels that occur in the films. Episode IV: A New Hope is best remembered for The Battle of Yavin, the first onscreen duel of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. Return of the Jedi, by the Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader duel, and the Battle of Endor. Moments like Han saying confidently, "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." and Luke asking Leia about her real mother are less memorable than the spectacle and grandiose scale that has defined Star Wars. These quiet moments are drowned out, but listen closely, these scenes may just contain intrigue, plot points, and characterizations often missed or overlooked.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones arguably does not rank in the top half among the nine (because of the "I don't like sand; it's coarse and rough" scene?), but these moments may help fans think back on the film and reassess its ranking.
7. The Turbolift Conversation Between Obi-Wan And Anakin
Image Source: FanSided
After an assassination attempt, Master and Padawan were tasked to protect Senator Amidala. It's unclear whether Obi-Wan sensed Anakin's feelings toward the senator; he should have, though. Anakin could barely conceal his excitement at the thought of seeing once more the lady who he thought was an angel.
There are only a handful of light-hearted moments in the prequels between these friends that whatever can be held on to should be appreciated knowing that in three years time, one will try to kill the other while the other will succeed in maiming the other.
6. Anakin Defies Obi-Wan
The bond between Master and Padawan begins to unravel. Obi-Wan does not want to exceed the Jedi mandate of providing security. Anakin, likely driven by a deeper urge, promises to help Senator Amidala find her would-be assassin. His Padawan's boldness surprises Obi-Wan, and he pushes back. Instead of diffusing the tension, Obi-Wan admonishes Anakin, which apparently Anakin adds to his list of resentments.
5. The Speeder Chase Through Coruscant And Anakin Leaping Onto Zam Wesell's Speeder
This definitely is not a quiet scene. Multiple times Obi-Wan is frustrated with his Padawan, none more so when Anakin leaps out of their speeder to chase the bounty hunter Zam Wesell.
"I hate it when he does that," Obi-Wan says, implying Anakin has done this multiple times. However, unlike his previous admonishment during their meeting with Senator Amidala, he is less harsh toward Anakin and may even be secretly impressed with his Padawan skill this time.
4. Obi-Wan Manipulating The Deathstick Dealer's Thoughts
How often Obi-Wan used the mind trick up to that point has not been established. What may be deduced from his manipulations of Elan Sleazebagnno's thoughts and a stormtrooper's in Star Wars: A New Hope is Obi-Wan only uses this trick when inconvenienced.
3. Obi-Wan Visits Kamino
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Watching Obi-Wan's bewilderment from the moment he stepped into the Kamino cloning facility was a surprise subversion of the Jedi almost always being in control of any situation. In the span of a few minutes, he was blindsided by:
The Prime Minister of Kamino expecting his visit.
Being informed that the Kaminoans are on schedule to deliver "200,000 units...with a million more on the way."
Lama Su mentioning Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas will receive his order on time. "Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost 10 years ago.
The revelation of Sifo-Dyas' visit to Kamino. Sifo-Dyas asked the Kaminoans to build a clone army.
Finding out the clone army is for the republic.
This 3-minute scene is one instance of a well-acted scene in the film.
2. Anakin Killing The Tusken Raiders
Although Vader had not taken over fully, at this moment, Anakin unleashed his rage, killing indiscriminately any Tusken Raiders he found.
What is more disturbing is what never transpired after. It has never been established in the movies or novels if Anakin told any of his fellow Jedis of the massacre. Of course, they will have known about his mother's death, but it has been implied he was able to keep this secret, and the only people who knew about the murders are Padme and Palpatine (both for very different reasons).
1. R2-D2 Lends C-3P0 A Hand During The Geonosis Arena Battle
Image Source: Screenrant
Battle droid C-3PO cursing at Jedi elicited intended laughter. However, easily overlooked is R2-D2 helping a friend. Recognizing its counterpart's predicament, the astromech droid pull's off C-3P0's head from the battle droid's body and drags it across the battlefield strewn with casualties. R2 proceeds to reattach C-3P0's head to its body. All these were accomplished amid the Battle of Geonosis.
Astromech droids are utility droids used for maintenance and repair. R2-D2 is a trooper. In Attack of the Clones and Return of the Jedi, R2 has charged through gunfire without hesitation to aid its comrades-in-arms. Its loyalty and inclination to do the right thing no matter the situation has endeared R2-D2 to almost every Star Wars fan.