5 Interesting Facts About C-3PO
Image Source: GameSpot
There are very few Star Wars characters more iconic than C-3PO. From the beginning of the original Star Wars (1977) to the Disney era, C-3PO and R2-D2 have served as heralds, ferrying new generations onwards into the future of the universe. The duo is one of, if not the most, influential, and consequential character duo in cinema history. Their collective influence is felt not only in their cameos in films like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) but in their impact on popular culture in general. George Lucas’ vision, merchandizing brilliance, and thousands of people’s incredible work have cemented C-3PO into the public conscience forever.
In celebration of our favorite protocol droid, we wanted to look back. The content including C-3PO is vast. It is easy to miss some awesome pieces of information. We combed through and found some fun and essential bits we hope you enjoy. These are 5 interesting facts about C-3PO!
5. C-3PO Is A Protocol Droid
Image Source: Culture Slate
Most, if not all, Star Wars fans understand this. It is a part of the character’s introductory refrain; however, the full function of a protocol droid’s duties is rarely laid out. They can function as administrative aides, interpreters, or even just companions to the elite. Many droids find their way to citizens when newer versions enter the market, or they are displaced and find their way to secondary markets. Some, as are the cases with 4-LOM and 0-0-0, have their programming overridden to participate in criminal activities.
4. C-3PO Was Designed By Ralph McQuarrie
Image Source: The Boston Globe
Ralph McQuarrie’s illustrative legacy in the history of film is nearly singular. His talent contributed to E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Battlestar Galactica (1978), Cocoon (1985), as well as the original Star Wars trilogy. Perhaps only H.R. Giger’s imaginative force propelled the medium so radically forward as McQuarrie. The Oscar-winner utilized George Lucas’ notes on the characters to create images that are now no less than legendary.
3. C-3PO Once Helped Save Padmé From Poisoning
Image Source: StarWars.com
In an episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2014, 2020) animated series titled “Senate Spy” C-3PO assists Senator Padmé Amidala on a mission to Cato Neimoidia. The purpose of the mission is to investigate if Rush Clovis is a spy for the Separatists. During the visit, Senator Amidala is poisoned by Neimoidian Senator Lott Dod. C-3PO retrieves the antidote with assistance from Rush Clovis. Anakin Skywalker ultimately administers the medicine to save the love of his life.
2. C-3PO Once Helped Stabilize A Planet
Image Source: StarWars.com
In an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2014, 2020) animated series titled, “Mercy Mission” the protocol droid is dispatched to the planet Aleen. The droid is a part of a humanitarian effort led by Commander Wolffe and the Wolfpack to help the planet’s inhabitants rebuild after significant quakes have destabilized many areas on the surface. The aliens are small and excitable, a clone trooper weary from battle remarks “Great, it's another one of those planets.” Despite Commander Wolffe referring to C-3PO as “the translator droid” it ultimately serves a much higher purpose on the planet. The protocol droid resolves the planet’s recurring quakes to the delight of the inhabitants. One of the humorous angles of this episode is that Commander Wolffe and his Wolfpack are somewhat oblivious to C-3PO’s heroics. A trooper states “Really, quite an adventure, eh?” when the droid attempts to relay his journey that ended the planet's crises.
1. C-3PO’s Red Arm Memorialized An Ally
Image Source: MyComicShop
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015) brought with it several doses of tear-invoking nostalgia. One of the most interesting of these is C-3PO’s first appearance, interrupting Han Solo’s pathway to Leia Organa. C-3PO offers “You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm,” which drew laughs from the theater I was in. It laid minor mystery that has since been resolved in a one-shot comic.
The comic titled Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1 tells the story of how our favorite protocol droid found itself crash-landed with a small band of other droids. To make the situation tenser, among the group that C-3PO crashed with is a prisoner, a First Order droid named Omri. By the end of their journey on the foreign planet, the droids have been almost entirely dispatched by the planet’s wildlife. C-3PO has its arm ripped out of its socket by a tentacle creature and acid rain has begun to fall preventing them from starting up the distress beacon. At this moment Omri relays its story. The droid had been reprogrammed and was once not an agent of the First Order. It sacrifices itself to the rain, its painted-over red coat now showing to turn the beacon on. C-3PO salvaged the arm, equipping it in memory of that droid, its message, and its sacrifice.
Thank you for coming on this journey as we explored some of the most interesting facts about the galaxy’s favorite protocol droid! Do you think we missed any facts that would have been on your list of interesting facts? I hope you had fun and may the Force be with you!
Source(s): Wookieepedia