The Best Substories In 'Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth'
Image Source: Gematsu
The Yakuza games are known for being a bit wacky when it comes to their substories. The main story could be extremely emotional but accompanied by the silliest substory. It’s a nice balance for some pretty intense games. Last time, we looked at the best substories in Like A Dragon, and with its sequel Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth being out for a few months now, it’s of course filled with new substories, so let's take a look at some of the best ones.
5. Saved By Kindness
Image Source: IGN
One element that remains a constant in these games is scams. In the early games, Kiryu is scammed a lot. In this game, Ichiban is not being scammed, but instead, a Japanese tourist whom Ichiban comes across. Ichiban tries to help the man find his hotel, but they are unsuccessful until a Hawaiian woman comes and saves the day. She even escorts the man to his hotel. As the game goes on, you will encounter him getting scammed by various people, including the Hawaiian woman. Ichiban confronts him and tries to help him, but the guy admits that he allowed it to happen to get closer to the woman. The ending is quite touching, and a nice break from the main game.
4. A Love As Sweet As Lemons
Image Source: IGN
During Ichiban’s adventures in Hawaii, he comes across a lot of different people. One of them is a child named Tony, who is selling lemonade. It seems innocent enough so Ichiban buys some. He finds out that Tony is trying to raise money to buy a tiara for a woman. This woman was a big influence on Tony and was a good friend to him. She is unfortunately leaving the country, and Tony wants to get her something to remember him by. Ichiban then helps distribute the lemonade to locals and helps Tony raise his money. Later, Ichiban stumbles across Tony being accosted by his uncle, who steals his money. Ichiban tries to reason with the uncle, unsuccessfully. During the last section, we see Tony looking at the tiara in the window, wishing he could buy it. Ichiban comforts him when the uncle comes over and gives Tony his money back. He said that Ichiban inspired him to be better, a classic moment in Ichiban games. Tony buys the tiara and can give it to the woman. It’s a great substory, that has a happy ending.
3. Home To Roost
Image Source: Playasia
This substory is one of the easier ones in the game but still deserves a spot on this list. As we know, Ichiban’s haircut after getting out of prison in Like A Dragon didn’t turn out like he planned and has been a source of humor throughout the games. This one is no different, as Ichiban settles down on the beach to take a nap, and he wakes up to a baby bird, whom he names Joseph, making a home in his wild hair. Ichiban then ventures throughout Hawaii to get the baby bird food, and to reunite him with his mom, all while trying to dodge sumo wrestlers and anyone else who might get in his way. He is ultimately successful, and you can even visit Joseph back at Revolve bar on the roof.
2. Coming Out Of Her Shell
Image Source: IGN
Nancy the Crawfish is back in Infinite Wealth. In the previous game, you had the option to save Nancy the Crawfish, and she became a pet to Ichiban. In this game, you have the option to bring her to Hawaii, and if you do, she falls in love. During your time in Hawaii, you are strolling on the beach with Nancy, when she comes across a hermit crab in a jeweled shell, named Olivia. Nancy falls in love, and Ichiban helps her to impress the hermit crab. Later, you come across some boys trying to capture Olivia to get her shell. Ichiban fights them, and we see Olivia using some trash as her new home. Ichiban presents her with a new shell, and she and Nancy end up living happily ever after. Nancy and Olivia become a Poundmates summon for Ichiban to use in battle, and they can even be seen on the roof of Revolve bar.
1. Let It Snow!
Image Source: But Why Tho?
This is probably one of the saddest substories in the game. Ichiban stumbles across an old man, who is trying to make it snow in Hawaii, which seems like an impossible task. Ichiban being Ichiban tries to help the man achieve his goal, especially after finding out why. The man’s wife is sick, and she would love to see snow one more time before she passes. The only problem is, they’re in Hawaii. Ichiban is finding ways for it to snow, when he stumbles across a Yakuza staple, the Gondawara family. Remember them? They’re the Yakuza family that likes to pretend to be babies. Anyway, he enlists their help, and they use some diaper material to make it snow successfully. The story ends with the man and his wife looking out the window and seeing the “snow”. They also share a heartfelt moment, before she dies. This substory is sure to make anyone cry.
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is another great Yakuza game, full of great stories. These substories add another level to Ichiban’s story in Hawaii. They should not be missed, as the game wouldn’t be the same without them.
Source: The Gamer