A Massive LEGO Replica Of The Battle Of Geonosis Took 2 Years To Build
Image Source: Solid Brix Studios
You may have built off-the-shelf LEGO Star Wars sets or even created your own custom ships or dioramas, but you most probably have not built a 15-foot replica of the Battle of Geonosis.
Well, David Hall and his colleagues from the Solid Brix Studios YouTube channel did exactly that.
The team that regularly tests and reviews new Lego products has built a massive replication of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant two and a half years ago, but their new project outshines even this.
It took more than two years and over 250k bricks to create a next-level representation of the Battle of Geonosis. To be more precise, it is the second Battle of Geonosis from the second season story arc of The Clone Wars, which started with the "Landing at Point Rain" episode.
Image Source: Solid Brix Studios
While the planet may be the same, the setting is clearly not from the battle at the end of Attack of the Clones, as one of the LEGO mini-figures involved in the fight is Ahsoka Tano.
The diorama includes the brown and beige landscape of barren Geonosis, hundreds of Genonsians on the ground and in the air, and countless battle droids and Phase I Clone troopers, most of whom are still fighting but some already dead.
Image Source: Solid Brix Studios
There are also Republic Gunships on the ground and still approaching the planet, walkers and tanks, and even a massive Venator-class Star Destroyer up in the air with tiny Republic fighters surrounding it.
But that's not all. There are light effects, indicating when a weapon is fired, moving lifts, and a complete operational droid assembly line with dozens of B1 battle droids hanging from a moving conveyor belt.
Image Source: Solid Brix Studios
And as a special easter egg, there is a cinema where Clone trooper minifigures can watch the exact episode from The Clone Wars on an iPad.
Image Source: Solid Brix Studios
Which, technically speaking, probably breaks canon.
You can watch a 9-minute time-lapse video of the set's creation below.
Source: Nerdist