'Coyote Vs. Acme' Racing Against Clock Of Studio Quarter Budget
Image Source: ilounge.com
Is this the end for Coyote vs. Acme? New sources say that the film is running out of time for release. The Warner Brothers film, previously shelved, had seemingly been uncancelled, however, new sources indicate that this was more of a stop-gap, as Warner Bros looked for another distributor. With no distributions found, the film’s future is once again uncertain. Many on the production team are worried that, once the company’s fourth quarter begins on February 23, the film will be canceled for good, ruining all their hard work. Many, including producer Chris DeFaria, aren’t even sure if Warner Bros will announce it; some say they’ll just delete it unceremoniously.
Coyote vs. Acme is a live-action animated hybrid film starring the Looney Tunes character Wile E. Coyote. The film centers around a lawsuit filed by the cartoon coyote against the Acme Corporation after their products have failed time and time again to defeat his enemy, The Road Runner. The backlash to the film’s shelving inspired a movement on social media to get the movie released. However, backstage politics appear to be keeping the film from getting released, and fears about the film getting shelved for good are on the rise. Unfortunately, it appears there’s nothing we folks can do.
Source(s): The Wrap