Dark Horse Announces A High Republic Comic Will Release On Free Comic Book Day
Image Source: IGN
This year’s Free Comic Book Day arrives on May 6, just two days after Star Wars Day. To celebrate the occasion, Dark Horse Comics is releasing a free Star Wars comic book set in the High Republic era.
The story follows the increasing strife between the Jedi Order and the Nihils and a group of younglings that are caught in the middle. The comic is set during the fall of Starlight Beacon. New York Times bestselling author Daniel José Older wrote the comic with illustrations and cover art from Harvey Tolibao.
Image Source: Dark Horse
As a bonus, the free comic issue will also feature a story set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. A young survivor named Lummi opens up only to Toph because of their shared Earth Kingdom background. This half of the comic is penned by Amy Chu with art from Kelly and Nichol Matthews.
Free Comic Book Day is a great way to support your local comic shops and sample different comics that pique your interest. Head to the comic store near you in May to pick up this exciting Star Wars and Avatar: The Last Airbender freebie.
Source(s): Jedi News, Comic Watch, Dark Horse