Final Previews Are Up For 'Avowed' And It's High Praise
Image Source: PC Gamer
Xbox bet big on Starfield, first acquiring Bethesda and then making Starfield an exclusive on Xbox. They put a lot of time and attention into the game, hyping up its epic scale and replayability…only for the game to kind of stroll out instead of roll out.
They seem to be doing the same and at least learning more from their mistakes, with Bethesda adjacent to Obsidian Entertainment and their upcoming original RPG IP, Avowed. Obsidian should be familiar to Fallout fans; they made the highly regarded Fallout: New Vegas. Obsidian has enjoyed relatively better success lately, more so than Bethesda, and so far, the previews point toward another successful product from the New Vegas group with Avowed.
This past week, the last round of previews for Avowed were published, and by all indicators, the game is shaping up to be a hit. Just a sampling of headlines from the final previews from sites like Kotaku, Game Rant, and the like talk about it being an early contender for 2025’s game of the year despite the game coming out in a stacked month (February).
Going off the IGN preview, it looks like the extra time they’re taking to work on the game (it was originally supposed to come out last month but was delayed to February) is paying off. The combat already feels more polished, and they’ve seemingly put more time into the audio as well. The conversations Destin Legaire had in the game, despite playing as an evil character, indicate robust world-building with comments characters make and how they interact with each other. The amount of loot and progression through weapon and skill types is thorough enough to allow for a multitude of playstyles.
One feature they were allowed to see this time around was the camera perspective. Players could now switch between first-person and third-person, as one does in a Bethesda/Obsidian RPG. Despite the typical just-off movements that are characteristic of their games, Destin was impressed with the transitions and how well everything flowed and played in each perspective. One thing he did mention that was slightly annoying is that the companion seems a little too eager to spoon feed. The companion in the game is rather loose-tongued about hints for solving puzzles and the like. With plenty of time left to tweak things, it’s entirely likely that Obsidian could turn that into an accessibility option and tone it down, much like you can find in other games by removing the yellow paint that screams “destroy me for item.”
Whether or not Avowed stays exclusive on Xbox will remain to be seen, especially with all the talk they’ve had lately about nothing being out of the question on making it onto other consoles.
Source(s): IGN