Robert Downey Jr. Speaks Up After Doctor Doom Reveal
Image Source: Instagram
Robert Downey Jr. has posted on social media about the big mic-drop casting announcement from Marvel. Audiences at San Deigo Comic Con were shocked when the new Doctor Doom took off his mask to reveal the ex-Iron Man actor. Robert Downey Jr. posted a picture of himself with the famous mask with the caption that he used on stage, ‘New mask, same task.’
Robert Downey Jr. is taking up with the MCU again after retiring from the Iron Man role back in 2019. After three Iron Man movies and numerous appearances in The Avengers and Captain America franchises, Robert Downey Jr. said that he had taken the character as far as he could go and wanted to focus on his philanthropic pursuits. But with his casting as the main antagonist in the new Avengers movie, titled Avengers: Doomsday it seems as if he has been invigorated.
It’s currently unclear if Robert Downey Jr. playing two significant parts is simply a coincidence. Marvel has form in doing this, for example, Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange and Dormammu) and Michelle Yeoh (Aleta Orgord and Ying Nan). But within the comics, there is a What If?-style graphic novel where Tony Stark rooms with Reed Richards in college instead of Victor Von Doom. Stark therefore is the one to develop an unhealthy obsession with besting Richards and becomes Doom instead.
Plenty of fans are welcoming Robert Downey Jr’s return to the MCU, who with his great talent can bring much to this part. Despite his huge comedy portfolio, his recent Oppenheimer role showed that he can bring quiet gravitas and paranoia when required. However, a lot of Doom purists are hoping for a truly menacing performance of the MCU’s most infamous bad guy. But if it has to be delivered through the lens of the flamboyant and comedic Tony Stark, who knows what will materialize on screen?
Source(s): ScreenRant [1], [2], IMDb, Heroic Hollywood