Russell T Davies Thinks The End Of BBC Is Close
Image Source: Radio Times
At a time when traditional media is slowly being taken over, it seems as if not even the largest companies from the past are safe. Even seemingly safe conglomerates and organizations that seemed to big to fail are, well, beginning to fail. The BBC, one of the largest broadcasting organizations in the world, might be headed out. “You’ve got to look in the long term at the end of the BBC, which is undoubtedly on its way in some shape or form,” said screenwriter Russell T Davies in a recent episode of the podcast They Like to Watch when talking about Doctor Who being co-produced by Disney.
“If Disney collapsed tomorrow and we had to go back to making Doctor Who on a normal BBC budget, you know what? We’d all rally round and make it and suddenly the stories would become claustrophobic ghost stories,” Davies said. “A lot of people would like that very much, so I’m not saying you have to have this happen. But while it’s happening elsewhere, I think it’s unfair that it doesn’t happen to Doctor Who.” He also said Dr Who needs “to be up there with the big hitters,” with Disney.
Davies did not comment on the details of the financial situation of the BBC.
Source(s): TheGuardian