The Marvel Comics 'Star Wars' Era To End With Ben Solo Confrontation
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It’s the final confrontation (and issue). Fifty issues of world-building, character arcs, and dynamic storytelling end with Star Wars #50, the final issue of the Marvel Comics series. While this concludes Marvel’s era of creating new Star Wars stories, it doesn’t end the potential of the entirety of Star Wars. The latest issue of Star Wars, written by Charles Soule, shows Jedi Master Luke Skywalker “confronting” pre-Kylo Ren Ben Solo with a story about finding balance in the Force. The first preview of #50’s artwork can be seen on the Star Wars Splash X/Twitter page.
The debut artwork depicts Master Luke Skywalker standing outside of young Ben Solo’s room as he is practicing his skill with the Force. Luke stands in the entryway and tells Ben, “I’d like to tell you a story.” Ben (and the readers) expect to be treated with insight into the Jedi Master’s training for his padawan and nephew about “the true balance between light and dark.” In this lesson, Luke will use this final fifty-page issue to recount “the days of the Rebel Alliance that touches on all eras of Star Wars history”. This final story will bring the “thrilling, incredible conclusion" to the Marvel Star Wars saga, but also the foundation of Ben Solo’s fall from grace.
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The final pages drawn by Madibek Musarov and Rachelle Rosenberg will be in the eager hands of fans and comic book enthusiasts come September 11. It’s not known how Luke will recount the history of the Rebel Alliance and the balance of the light and dark sides of the Force, but time will tell if it’s one of the building blocks that leads to the birth of Kylo Ren.
Sources:, X/Twitter