Was The Starkiller Sith Stalker Armor Just Featured In Andor?
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With six episodes under its belt, Star Wars: Andor is doing rather well so far, with highly valued episodes. IGN just rated episode six a masterpiece, calling it the new “gold standard” for Star Wars. It was a truly incredible episode to be sure, for many reasons.
In addition to spectacular action and visual effects, fans were treated to one of the easter eggs again that took the internet by storm two weeks ago: Starkiller’s Sith Stalker Armor.
Starkiller, for the uninitiated, is the assumed name for Galen Marek, a young Force-sensitive human taken in as an apprentice by Darth Vader, who was the protagonist of the Force Unleashed video games and comics. He was incredibly powerful in the Force, which is alluded to in the trailer for the game where he brings down an Imperial Star Destroyer. The games were pretty well-liked, but since the Disney acquisition, they were deemed not canon, and thus Starkiller was sent into the ranks of the many other characters and stories from the Extended Universe that are now known as Legends.
Image Source: GameRant
The appearance of what looks like Starkiller’s signature armor in Andor seems to have rekindled hope among fans that the character, who was voiced by and modeled off of Sam Witwer, might make his way back into canon. While it would be interesting to see Starkiller become canon, adding more depth to the story of Darth Vader, the timing and context of the armor’s appearance suggests it may just be an easter egg.
Starkiller was taken from Kashyyyk about 18 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, trained for 15 years, and then sent on his missions. That would place his story after the episodes of Andor in which the armor in question appears. It simply doesn’t line up. The similarities are too hard to deny though. Aside from the long spikes rising from the helmet, it looks like an exact match.
Image Source: SlashFilm
It also has not been confirmed that it is indeed Starkiller’s armor - which would make Starkiller canon - so at this point, it is only a fun little easter egg. Andor is full of easter eggs, which seems to be the standard for fandom movies these days. Indeed, it’s become a sort of online profession to be an easter egg spotter. Fans like to see them, to be sure, perhaps as some sort of nod from the director and crew about their attention to detail and care for that which fans have come to love.
Source: GameRevolution.com