'Secret Invasion' Episode 6 Review
Image Source: JoBlo
The finale of Secret Invasion is finally out and it was an interesting one, to say the least. The episode, like the last two, was under 45 minutes, which is a shame considering this series was only going to be one season and there were only six episodes. The entire season was solid, and this one felt like the weakest episode, even though it was the finale. Even though a lot happened, the ending felt like it could’ve been much stronger.
Nick Fury knows what he’s doing, and that's evident in his fight against Gravik. We think that it's Fury who is confronting Gravik when it turns out to be Gi’ah in disguise. She has taken the serum, and now has powers from the various Avengers, however, so does Gravik. The two duel it out, and we see a variety of powers from Groot, Drax, Kor, Captain Marvel, and a few others. Ultimately, Gi’ah is successful and Gravik has been defeated. The real Fury, on the other hand, is confronting Skrull Rhodey and the President. He tries to reason with the President to call off the strike on the Skrull compound, but Rhodey won’t give up. He and Fury go back and forth until Rhodey decides he’s had enough. Nick Fury however is faster, and shoots Rhodey, revealing his true Skrull form. The strike is called off, and we see the humans the Skrulls were using be saved, including the real Colonel Rhodes. This makes you wonder how long Rhodey was a Skrull. Looking back, it was probably as far back as Falcon and Winter Solider. The Preisdent however made an impassioned speech and now the Skrulls are being hunted and killed.
Image Source: Comic Basics
The Skrulls are essentially back to where they started. They don’t have their own planet and are now not welcome on Earth. Fury unfortunately wasn’t able to keep his promise to Talos. However, Fury reveals that the Kree are willing to speak with the Skrulls. He enlists his wife for help with negotiations. Hopefully, if we end up seeing the Skrulls again, we will get to see them thriving on their own planet.
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury was a great casting choice. He truly kills it in every performance he is in, including his role in Secret Invasion. Nick Fury has always been a mysterious character, and this show enabled us to learn more about him. However, the ending was a bit predictable, in a way that we knew he wouldn’t die, as we have seen him in The Marvels trailer. One of the biggest things we learned about Fury, was that he had a wife. The two of them go up to SABER at the end of the finale. He also brings back his signature eyepatch, something that was missing throughout the series. Sonya Falsworth played by Olivia Coleman is another excellent addition to the MCU. Her ways may not be conventional, but they work for what she needs. She also knows not to mix business and friendship, and tells this to Gi’ah, when she asks for a partnership between them. Another great addition was Gi’ah, played by Emilia Clarke. While her character felt underutilized here and there, she seems like she will be a much better leader than Gravik was, and it will be interesting to see what she does, and if we end up seeing her again.
Image Source: Comicbook.com
Secret Invasion had its moments. It had an extremely strong buildup, that ended with an okay finale. It seems like one of the weakest finales out of all the MCU shows. This however is not the last we will see of Nick Fury. His next appearance is in The Marvels, where we will also get to see more of SABER. All in all, it felt like they could’ve done more with Secret Invasion, but what we did get was entertaining, and it will be interesting to see if this affects the MCU at all going forward.
Rating: 7/10
All episodes of Secret Invasion are now streaming on Disney+.