‘Star Wars: Andor’ Season Finale Spoiler Review
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One season down, one to go.
Andor wrapped up its first season with an explosive finale that pulled all the story threads together. It delivered on most of that ambitious approach with a few parts that felt hollow and underdeveloped. The climactic ending also left some questions open and, unfortunately, felt like a flash in the pan despite its massive build-up.
Ultimately Andor’s arc in the series deservedly felt complete. All his development was wonderfully paid off with his return to Ferrix after learning of his mother’s death. By the end of this episode, Cassian broadened his hatred of the Empire by starting the season as a small-time thief making equally small-time scores. Once Cassian rescues his friends and challenges Luthen, he’s fully embraced his mother’s vision. He also takes time to listen to Nemik’s manifesto.
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That was one of the most powerful moments of the episode. It became clear by the end that Cassian would confront Luthen, and for two people who’ve spent so little time together, they seem to have occupied each others’ thoughts throughout, each seeing the other as a threat and an asset. So when Cassian confronts him to either put up or shut up, it allows them to finally answer their question about each other.
The explosive climax between the citizens of Ferrix and the Empire’s troops was exciting but short-lived. It had the potential to honor the development of the Ferrix arc and put the Empire on the run, but it never arrived. Instead, troops opened fire, and the people scattered, leaving it ultimately unresolved. It helped underscore the lack of actual development throughout the season on the Ferrix front. There were frequent returns to the planet throughout the season, but they were always short, and while we know the Empire is oppressive, aside from the forced confessions and sequestration of the hotel in town, did we really have a lot of examples of transgressions that would help underscore Maarva’s hologram speech? I’m finding it difficult to do so, which ultimately weakens the potential impact the riot could have had.
Image Source: Leisure Byte
Another sticking point revolves around Cinta and Vel. They were there for Andor, but by the end of the episode, I found myself asking what the point of them being there was? Sure, Cinta sniffed out and identified an ISB agent, knifing him in the chest by the end, but their activities on Ferrix felt…fruitless. Again, two characters with so much potential, and they felt wasted.
I felt similarly about Mon’s seeming betrayal of her husband, Perrin. Watching, I got the sense that she’d found a way out of her deal with Davo by throwing her husband under the bus. That would have certainly been an excellent development. Instead, it felt like smoke intended for Kloris, the revealed ISB agent that was her driver. So why then go through with the deal with Davo? That marred what was otherwise a great conclusion to the Mon Mothma arc. That final scene of the two families meeting and the gravity of what could result was fantastic. It would have been nice if her accusation against her husband didn’t feel flat.
Despite these issues, the question is whether the finale delivers what it needed to set up for the second season. The most important arc was satisfyingly concluded, leaving the door for what happens in season two wide open. It could have been fantastic if these few hitches had been dealt with better, but they don’t mar too much of what was ultimately a great episode. The little clip at the end revealing what Andor and his fellow inmates had been building was a nice touch, reminding the viewer what Cassian will ultimately do.
Rating: 8/10
Source(s): Disney+