Take A Look At This Amazing Low Budget Recreation Of The End Of 'Star Wars: A New Hope'
Image Source: StarWars.com
All fans love to show off their creativity to show love to the franchise they are a part of. With Star Wars fans, there’s plenty to find. With this one that I’m looking at, there’s nothing fancy to it. It is a fun recreation of the Death Star trench run from A New Hope using whatever could be found to represent certain parts of it. While the ships are accurate models taken from a tabletop game, the trench they fly through is made up of cardboard boxes. The same goes for most other effects within this production, with the targeting computer of Luke’s being hand-drawn on some cardboard. The computer effects for that targeting computer are made through mini lightsabers being pushed together to indicate getting closer to the target.
The only computer effects used here are for explosions and sounds, with very little dialogue involved in the recreation. In a particular highlight, the photon torpedoes entering the vent are recreated using two golf balls rolling to the end of a putting practice hole. The low-budget feel doesn’t feel reflected in the effort put in, as it all flows nicely with no singular shot feeling rushed or unnecessary. And who knew that In The Hall Of The Mountain King by Grieg works so nicely with this scene? This great recreation comes from the YouTube channel known as Hockylo Ren, a group of Japanese Star Wars fans showing their love for the franchise through parodies and recreations, among other things. Other recreations of theirs include Han Solo shooting the probe droid on Hoth, the second Death Star being destroyed, and the finale of Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul on Naboo.
While these recreations and parodies can be enjoyed by anyone, for those who know Japanese, their other content gives thoughts and reactions on not just Star Wars content, with some of their latest looking at Jurassic World and Lightyear.
Source: YouTube