Best And Worst Batsuits Through The Decades
Image Source: ScreenRant
Batman has worn a lot of hats in his long and storied comic book career: superhero, detective and even occasional villain. But the one that few ever credit him for? Fashion icon. While he might write them off as simply tools of the trade, it's undeniable that each suit throughout the decades has reflected the times, the changing art direction, and sometimes just the sheer weirdness that permeates the comic book universe with incredible detail and skill. That being said, it can't be denied that not all Batsuits are created equal, and as such, we’re going to discuss our least and most favorite from each decade for the last eighty years.
As a preface, we're going to be ignoring suits from movies and television shows, those that bestow, copy, or are created as a result of superpowers (like the various Green Lantern suits) or power armors that are more exosuit that anything else (like the massive Batcaveatron)
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Worst - OG Suit
This one is a bit of a cheat, as it was technically debuted with the first Batman (or “Bat-Man” as he was titled) appearance in Detective Comics #27 in 1939. Unfortunately, despite being the first Batsuit, compared to his revamped suit presented a scant year or so later, this OG suit pales in comparison, with its purple gloves and sloped, wing-like cape. Bat-like to be sure, but Batman? Not quite.
Image Source: Polygon
Best - Revamped OG Suit
The icon. The legend. The suit that truly started it all. This…is the Batman. So of course, it is the best suit to come from this decade or arguably, any. Is it the flashiest, smoothest, or even coolest? Perhaps not. But it is the silhouette, color scheme, and style that defined “Batman” to the masses and remains the primary model of the hero to this day.
Image Source: CBR
Worst - Jungle Suit
On one hand, we can respect a man who has a theme. On the other hand, there is such a thing as too much for little reason. A Batman stuck in the jungle, wearing a pelt and yet still maintaining a secret identity? We'll give him a point for persistence, but in practicality (or, let's be honest, coolness)? Eh…
Image Source: DC Database
Best - Rainbow Suit(s)
These suits are infamous and even get referenced in Batman: The Brave and The Bold, but we give the Gotham Knight credit not only for making, wearing, and equipping five colorful identical suits but also for the reason for doing so: making himself a distraction. It wouldn't do for villains and the public to notice that the Boy Wonder is absent at the same time as the known Wayne ward Dick Grayson, who recently broke his arm. So we have to respect Batman for not only being a colorful icon, but a protective father.
Image Source: DC Universe Infinite
Worst - Mummy Suit
Honestly, this suit wouldn't be so bad if not for the reason behind it: when the Dynamic Duo is infected by a device from a (random) alien spacecraft, it turns their skin green. As such they go around fighting crime while completely wrapped in bandages to maintain their secret identities. All this…while ignoring that, the Batsuit at least, is a full body suit and all Brucie needed was a helmet.
Image Source: WhatCulture
Best - Suit with the Yellow Oval
This was a radical shift less in the Batsuit itself and more it's emblem. We could say that the addition of yellow onto the suit was meant to symbolize Batman being the light in the darkness or something, but in reality, there doesn't appear to be a definite reason for the change…until we consider marketing and realize how much it makes a shirt pop when it's slapped on. Not to mention the then popularity of the goofy Adam West show that was airing at the same time. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but no one can deny its influence or staying power.
Image Source: Film Junkee
Worst - The Dark Knight Returns Suit
Let's get this out of the way: it's the Bat-Symbol. The chonkyness of the Bat, with its oversized wings and small feature detailing is an odd and somewhat off-putting icon. It looks less like a bat and more like Bruce Wayne blindly tried to sketch his calling card by hand and didn't have time for a redo. The ears aren’t exactly flattering either, being closer to stubby nubs than threatening peaks. Great comic, not the best costume.
Image Source: Graphic Novels Explorers Club
Best - Year One Suit
While it's rather normal compared to some of the suits we've discussed so far, we can't understate the way the Year One Batsuit is subtlety designed in such a manner as to suggest exactly it's intention: one of rebirth. With its prominent but not overbearing chest symbol and spandex body suit, it makes the list due not only to a harkening back to the original, more subtle design, but also the way that design fits what it's trying to represent. This isn't the earlier Batman with his shark spray or the later iterations who look to have worked for Halo's UNSC. Batman is achingly young yet jaded, a man out of his element but still determined to do good.
Image Source: Heroic Hollywood
Worst - Kingdom Come Suit
Were it not for the other suit in this decade, we might not have graded the Kingdom Come suit so harshly. But for what it is, while it looks cool at the start, the longer you stare at it the more…Daft Punk it feels. With his glittering chrome-like armor and oversized Bat-Symbol, the man looks peak 90s and while impressive, it doesn't necessarily fit the brooding, stealthy Bruce Wayne aesthetic. Shiny but tacky.
Image Source: CBR
Best - Azrael Suit
Once again, we're going to cheat here as ironically enough, the very reasons that the Kingdom Come suit didn't work well for Bruce are the exact reasons they work better for his temporary replacement, Azrael. Where Bruce operated as a shadowy guardian, Azrael is a dark Templar, not seeking to become one with night so much as crush it beneath his armored boot. To him, Gotham doesn't need to be saved; it needs to be cleansed. And thus, his armor fits him, an almost ostentatious, brutal mockery of the man he admires. It's a Batsuit that reflects a different, more dangerous kind of Batman—and thankfully for the underbelly of Gotham, a temporary one.
Image Source: The Nexus
Worst - Night on Earth Suit
Look, we can appreciate a restyle of the classics. But given that the classic in this case is the aforementioned 1939 suit, you can guess why it's in the “worst” category of this decade. The exposed shoulders make him more human, sure, but it detracts from the heroism and mystery that is the Dark Knight, and his humanity has been showcased with far better-looking costumes. Couple that with the purple gloves and even a modern take can't make this original suit any less goofy.
Image Source: DC Database
Best - Suit of Sorrows
This suit puts the “knight” in “Dark Knight,” with its chainmail under armor and its gauntlets and boots being a wicked blend of modern and medieval and formed from the melted-down swords and armor of several warriors from an ancient order. Furthermore, it bears an interesting curse that makes it a fascinating test of character: while it may grant enhanced speed, strength, and reflexes, it triggers an ever-present bloodthirst that its wearer must battle, meaning that those who seek to call themselves a hero are ever aware of how thin the line they tread can be.
Image Source: Batman Wiki
Worst - Superheavy Batsuit
Again, we’re going to cheat a little here. Technically the Superheavy Batsuit is named as such in conjunction with the mech that goes along with it, a GCPD monstrosity that is very cool, very powerful, and very fun. However, given that we’re ignoring exosuits in this list, we have to judge the other half of the Superheavy duo and that is the pilot itself, or more specifically, the suit the pilot wears. And it’s…it’s…look, Jim Gordan looks like he’s wearing a Bat-themed gimp suit. Could be the lean figure, could be the gun, could be the cigarette, but whether it’s one or all, it’s an odd combination that doesn’t quite fit the Bat-mantle. We love you Jim, but please stick to the trench coat.
Image Source: CBR
Best - Stealth Batsuit (2013)
This was a difficult choice. The 2010s are rife with one and done, revamped, and experimental Batsuits and all have their individual merits and flaws. But in the end, we couldn't ignore the Stealth Batsuit. To be clear, this is the 2013 suit; while there was another in 2010, it was less a Batsuit so much as a Sam Fisher cosplay. On one hand, the Stealth Batsuit is utterly fantastic: it's capable of completely shielding its wearer on multiple electromagnetic spectrums, rendering them invisible even to the likes of Superman. On the other hand, we can't forgive a stealth suit having a massive glowing flashlight on its front. That being said, considering its competition (And some of the odder Batsuits to come from this decade) this one is perfectly serviceable.
Image Source: CBR
Worst - Death Metal Batsuit
Once more we can't blame a man for having a theme but we can judge him harshly for it. Now to be fair, Batman may or may not be undead in this apocalyptic multiverse crisis and we can admire the scythe and the death bike. But then again, this “Batsuit” looks like Bruce crossed the comic lines and mugged Sabretooth from Marvel for his jacket. Either that or the only store not burned to the ground at the end of the world was a Hot Topic. As it is, while it matches the vibe of the universe, he's in and the suit itself may be dethroned sometime this decade, as it stands we've got to give this one a thumbs down.
Image Source: DC Database
Best - Future State Batsuit
Again, while it may be dethroned by another candidate before 2030, we can tip our hat to grim practicality of this suit versus some of the more…theatrical this decade has conjured. In this dystopia, Bruce's identity has been exposed, he's lost his fortune and Gotham has been placed under the control of a paramilitary organization. As such, his “suit” is scaled down, designed for combat on a practical level without a billion-dollar price tag and the finest possible materials. The lack of cape shows a man whose myth has been dispelled and is making a new legacy, reminding the world that he doesn't need the Dark to be a Knight.