Will Crimson Dawn's Sith Spirit Become Snoke In 'Star Wars: Hidden Empire'?
Image Source: Polygon
“Darkness rises and light to meet it.”
- Supreme Leader Snoke
Charles Soule’s latest Star Wars comic, Hidden Empire, is nearing its conclusion. Lady Qi’ra, the current leader of Crimson Dawn, managed to retrieve a dark side artifact known as the Fermata Cage. Built by Darth Momin thousands of years ago, the Cage is said to contain the spirit of an ancient Sith Lord. It was originally sought out by the previous leader of Crimson Dawn, the renegade Sith Lord Maul, who planned to use the Cage against his old master, Darth Sidious.
Even though Maul was ultimately unable to find the Cage before his death, Qi’ra managed to locate it with the help of the Knights of Ren. Now, she has taken the Cage to the Amaxine space station, the future home of Supreme Leader Snoke, where she plans to unleash the Sith spirit against Darth Sidious. Fans are abuzz speculating about who the ancient Sith could be. I have a theory of my own. Perhaps this Sith is in fact Snoke himself.
Image Source: Wookieepedia
As of now, we still do not know much about Snoke’s origins aside from the fact that he is a Strand-Cast clone of Darth Sidious himself. Multiple canon sources have suggested that there is more to his backstory. In The Last Jedi novelization by Jason Fry, there is one chapter that indicates that Snoke knows much about how the galaxy was thousands of years prior. In Charles Soule’s own The Rise of Kylo Ren comic miniseries, Snoke seems to know of the Drengir, an ancient race of dark side-wielding plants, despite the fact that they have been extinct for hundreds of years. While you could say that Snoke has spent much of his time studying galactic history, there may be a deeper reason as to why he is so familiar with periods of time he wasn't present during. What if Snoke was originally an ancient Sith Lord who existed during those times? Knowing Darth Sidious’s unlimited power, it is possible that he defeats the ancient Sith spirit after they are released from the Cage. With his knowledge of essence transfer, Darth Sidious could transfer the Sith spirit into his Strand-Cast clone, leaving Snoke to lie in wait on the very station where Crimson Dawn released him.
Is this theory a stretch? Almost certainly. Although, Charles Soule has done wackier things with established canon characters and has been adding tons of context to characters from the sequel era. I would not be disappointed if the Sith spirit does not end up being Snoke. This spirit could very well be an original character without any connection to other characters, which would work just as well. At the end of the day, we will have to wait and see if we have truly seen the last of Snoke.