Who Is Saracen In Marvel?
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After his appearance in the She-Hulk episode The Retreat, people began asking, “Who is Saracen?” Well, for fans of the show, the answer may be surprising. When Saracen is first introduced, Emil Blonsky says that Saracen thinks he’s a vampire. That strays quite far from the comics.
In the comics, Saracen is the alias for Muzzafar Lambert. He is a mercenary. He got his start with the Free Armenian Army (FAA). Iris Green killed one of the FAA’s leaders, so they sent Saracen to kill Green. He traced her to Texas, where she had been enrolled at a ninja training camp. There, he met the Punisher, who was also after Green. The two teamed up since they had the same goal. Unfortunately for Saracen, he was shot and had to be hospitalized. He and the Punisher parted ways.
After getting out of the hospital, Saracen began working for Stan Ori who was a US Senator and also part of the Bessucho crime family. Ori’s nephew had been killed and Saracen was dispatched to kill Ori’s nephew’s killer. Little did Saracen know that the killer he was after was the Punisher. The two became mortal enemies at that point. Saracen killed the Punisher’s last living relative as bait to draw him out. It worked, but Saracen failed to kill the Punisher. In revenge for the attempt on his life, the Punished publicly killed Stan Ori while dressed as Saracen.
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The two crossed paths again when they were working in a war between Zukistan and Trafia. The Punisher was captured, and it was Saracen who did the interrogation. The Punisher escaped and the two fought hand to hand. Saracen was winning until a distraction allowed the Punisher to get the upper hand and knock Saracen out.
Finally, Saracen took a job for the warlord General Urt. The Punisher showed up to kill the General. Saracen fled, but the Punisher tracked him down. They had a sword fight where the Punisher stabbed Saracen in the heart. That is probably the end of Saracen, except, being a comics character, one never knows.
Since She-Hulk is a comedy, it has become common for them to change the backstory for the characters they introduce. Just look at what they did with Titania and the Wrecking Crew. Saracen may be the furthest from the source material yet, though. Keeping Saracen as a ruthless mercenary wouldn’t have worked for Jen’s trust circle at her retreat.
Source(s): Marvel.com, IMDb