‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3' Review
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It always feels like the final film of a saga knows how to rip your heart out, then piece it back together. This is exactly what Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 does. This is by far the darkest installment in the franchise, but even in its darkest moments, it keeps the familiar humor alive. There were many surprising moments as well. The Guardians were all about family, especially found family, and this movie is no different. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but most importantly, you'll leave satisfied, as everyone gets the send-off they deserve.
The film focuses on Rocket. We finally get to learn more about his backstory, and it's extremely depressing. We get various flashbacks throughout the movie as his life hangs in the balance. Throughout the films, we were given glimpses as to what happened to Rocket, but it's much worse than anyone thought. The High Revolutionary was an absolutely terrifying villain, who experimented on Rocket, and countless other innocent animals. He claimed that he was trying to create the perfect universe. His experiments would sometimes end up deformed, or not to his liking, and he would end up destroying them and starting over. After everything he’s been through, it’s only fitting that Rocket gets the most satisfying ending out of all of them.
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The Guardians do everything in their power to save Rocket and make sure he doesn’t get captured by the High Revolutionary. They travel to some weird planets and meet some very interesting people. These moments reminded me a lot of Star Wars, especially with some of the creatures we saw. Gamora even returned for a bit to help the group with their mission. There is always hope, and the Guardians will do anything to save their own.
This movie had the same charm as the first two, even if it was sometimes very dark. These movies always have wonderful soundtracks that fit perfectly with the movie. The movie never once felt too long and was the perfect length for a conclusion. It wrapped up the story nicely, but also introduced new characters. One of the best additions was the friends Rocket made during his time as an experiment. It was extremely heartbreaking but essential to the story. The action was well done, and always at a good time. The serious moments were never overshadowed by the fighting either. The acting was phenomenal as always. The character of Nebula has one of the best character arcs within the saga. She's grown so much since we were first introduced to her. Kraglin and Cosmo, who we saw in the Holiday Special, were also a wonderful addition. The character of Adam Warlock honestly didn't do much and felt underutilized. However, he was still a welcome addition, and I hope we see more of him in the future.
There was a lot of animal abuse depicted throughout the film. It was important to the story and was never made to be funny, but for those who are sensitive going into it, just a warning that it is dark, and the animals have been altered, sometimes to an extreme extent.
This era of the Guardians is over, as James Gunn has confirmed that he is done directing the movies. It has been confirmed that Drax and Gamora won't return, as both actors have confirmed they are done with their roles. The film’s ending leaves things open for new stories. Those who are fans of the comics will know that there’s a variety of other stories they could pull from.
Image Source: IGN Nordic
While some may think Marvel has lost its way, this movie proves that they haven’t. This film was a wonderful conclusion to an equally fantastic saga. It's bittersweet, as this is the last time we may be the last time we see some of these characters. There were some great throwbacks to earlier films, in small moments, especially at the end and post-credit scene. The Guardians will always be a favorite of mine, and I cannot wait to see what comes next. In true Guardians fashion, the movie ends with a dance party, which in my opinion, is the best way, you could have ended this ridiculous saga.
Rating: 8/10