10 Overrated Horror Movies
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The horror genre is one of the most diverse and expansive genres out there. Some fans believe that there are thousands of subgenres to explore and with such a massive genre it is inevitable that some movies are more popular than others.
While there are classics such as Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Friday the 13th that seem to be timeless there are other films that have been overhyped. The movies on this list aren’t necessarily bad films, but they don’t live up to the reputation that they have been given, and you can skip them this spooky season.
10. The Strangers (2008)
Image Source: IMDB
This is the only movie on this list that I am on the fence about and plan to watch it again this spooky season. I saw this movie when it first came out on DVD and I hated it. There was no real story and it felt like almost two hours of pure jump scares with no story. I had more questions than answers when the credit rolled. The villains were the only good thing about the movie and that is because they were the most realistic villains I had ever seen in a horror film.
9. Jeepers Creepers (2001)
Image Source: Variety
I do not understand the following that this film has. I find it interesting that it was inspired by a true crime case, but the film itself is so frustrating. The characters repeatedly make such stupid decisions and the film’s villain The Creeper is hysterical. He isn’t scary in the slightest. The narrative also feels underdeveloped leaving us with so many plot holes.
8. The Wolfman (1941)
Image Source: TCM
This is the only classic monster movie that I don’t like. This film is featured on most top 10 classics lists and I will never understand why. The story moves at a snail’s pace, features no redeemable characters, and is honestly just boring. I would highly recommend skipping this one and watching Creature from the Black Lagoon or Dracula. The 2010 remake is significantly better but it is still a pretty terrible movie.
7. Haunt (2019)
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I have seen a lot of horror movies and I am a fan of the Saw franchise, but this film had a death scene in it that stuck with me for months. This movie is probably one of the most confusing and underdeveloped films I have ever seen.
There is so much information that is given to us, but none of it plays much of a role in the film. You also spend most of your time wondering why the characters are making the decisions they are and the rest of your time attempting to follow what is happening.
6. Brightburn (2019)
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I will never understand why this film was so well received or why it is getting a sequel. It is essentially a film that tells what would have happened if Superman had been a bad guy. While I will admit that it is a fascinating idea it was not well executed, and honestly, the entire film is just stupid mistake after stupid mistake. I would love to see this idea approached with a better narrative and possibly an adult villain.
5. The Village (2004)
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I love M. Night Shyamalan's approach to films like Signs and The Sixth Sense, but The Village is one of the most infuriating films I have ever seen. The first half of the film is amazing and had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. Then the twist comes and literally ruins the entire thing!
4. Hostel (2005)
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Eli Roth is a master of horror, and being a fan of the Saw franchise I was expecting to like this movie. I was wrong. This film is what I deem truly “torture porn” because the story is second to the gore.
While I can understand why Eli Roth fans like the films I will never understand why so many people choose this franchise over Saw.
3. The Craft (1996)
Image Source: IMDB
I love witchy movies and really thought that this was going to become one of my favorite movies. It was such a boring movie, and there were so many plot holes that I still don’t fully understand what the actual story of the movie was.
2. Scream (2022)
Image Source: IMDB
This is the only movie on this entire list that I will say I genuinely hate. Scream is my favorite horror franchise and one that I watch throughout the year, and this movie made me so mad. There are so many issues, but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that they like it more than the original film.
1. The Exorcist (1973)
Image Source: IMDB
I love horror films from the 70s and 80s so I went in fully expecting to add it to my list of favorites. Unfortunately, I was bored almost the entire time. The film gives a new definition to the term “slow burn” and offers zero scares. I genuinely think that a lot of the appeal for people who love this film is nostalgia. The film’s sequel The Exorcist: Believer which is currently in theaters is a far better film.