10 ‘Star Wars’ Couples That Didn't Live to See The Credits Roll
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If you want to be assured of certain death in Star Wars, fall in love. It might not happen immediately, but eventually any pairing that finds happiness is guaranteed to meet the Maker.
Star Wars doesn’t care if it’s a major character in a movie or a small part in an animated series. They will still meet a grizzly end.
10) Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor
Image Source: Teen Vogue
There was implied sexual tension between Jyn and Cassian all the way through Star Wars: Rogue One. It didn’t progress into a relationship, because Lucasfilm blew them up after the first hug.
9) Owen Lars and Beru Lars
Image Source: Star Wars.com
In Star Wars: Episode V – A New Hope, Luke Skywalker’s aunt and uncle bite the dust less than ten minutes into the film. Disney and George Lucas brought them back in the prequels and sequels, but every loving glance between the two was only a reminder of the barbeque to come.
8) Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala
Image Source: Entertainment Weekly
The whole prequel saga is literally building towards the death and horrible disfigurement of these childhood sweethearts.
If only Padmé had found Anakin Skywalker a good anger management therapist she could be off living a nice happy life with her husband and her twins.
7) Han Solo and Leia Organa
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If you read the Expanded Universe, this pair grew old together, had three children, who started wars and tried to kill each other, but otherwise had a good marriage. Then Disney came along and decided this did not fit the Star Wars pattern of despair and misery. Kathleen Kennedy divorced the happy couple, made their only child evil and killed them both.
6) Asajj Ventress & Quinlan Vos
Image Source: Den of Geek
Asajj Ventress is absent from season 7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars for a reason. Star Wars novel Dark Disciple by Christina Golden, was based on 13 episodes of the series that never made it to air. One contained a storyline with Ventress and Quinlan falling in love as they try and take down Count Dooku. Ventress sacrifices herself for Vos, saving his life, but gets fried by the Sith Lord’s force lightening. Another couple bites the dust.
5) Phee Genoa and Tech
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Phee Genoa was voiced by Wanda Sykes and became an instant hit with fans when she debuted on Star Wars:The Bad Batch Season 2, calling Tech ‘brown eyes’. The autism coded character took a little while to get the message, so Phee had to spell her feelings out for him. Tech died the following episode.
4) Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla
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This slow burn love story in Star Wars: Rebels had everything, banter, longing looks and interrupted smooches. Kanan Jarrus doesn’t make the same mistakes of his predecessors and managed to balance the Force with his relationship with Hera. She eventually confesses her love for him, and Kanan dies later that episode.
3) Tarkin and TK-421
Image Source: Looper
In the 1997 anthology book From A Certain Point of View, Grand Admiral Tarkin has a relationship with a stormtrooper during the events of Star Wars: Episode V- A New Hope. It ends when Luke uses the trooper’s armor as a disguise to remain undetected aboard the Death Star.
TK-421 is taken out by Han Solo as he boards the Millenium Falcon and Tarkin’s fledging romance also dies a horrible death. In the book the Moff swears vengeance, but that backfired, and he didn’t make it off the space station either.
2) Rey and Kylo Ren
Image Source: Geek Tyrant
Also known as Reylo to their massive fanfiction community. The Force dyad seemingly were meant to be. It was a classic enemies to lovers tale, starting with a lightsaber battle, and then another lightsaber battle….and then another …..wait a minute?
At the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Ben Solo returns and Rey starts to look at him like he’s not a complete idiot. Somehow, amongst Kylo’s monologuing, a kiss happens. Both of them die, in true Romeo and Juliet style, but Kylo Ren is the only one that stays dead.
1) Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze
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Anakin isn’t the only Jedi to have a romance under the radar of the Jedi Order. His master did as well. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Obi-Wan even says that he would have left the Jedi for her. Satine was a little more responsible than Padmé and shut him down. When the bearded Jedi visited The Duchess on Mandalore, things started to get a little spicey again, only for Darth Maul to cut her down in front of her beau.
If Star Wars has taught its fans anything, its that love gets you killed. Rose & Finn, Vel & Cinta, Frog Lady & her husband all better watch out, because the Lucasfilm might be coming for them next!
Source(s): Wookieepedia, IGN