10 Inspiring 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Quotes To Live By
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Warning: spoilers for Avatar: The Last Airbender
While Avatar: The Last Airbender is a children’s show and has some cartoonish elements, it yields some of the greatest wisdom and most inspiring quotes. From Aang’s Air Nomad philosophy to Iroh’s elderly wisdom and everything in between, the series offers many quotes to inspire those in the real world to make it a better place. Here are 10 of the most inspiring quotes to live by.
10. “It’s easy to do nothing, it’s hard to forgive.” - Aang
Image Source: CultureSlate
When Katara sets out on a quest for vengeance, Aang reminds her about the strength of forgiveness. Katara misinterprets, but Aang reminds her that doing nothing is easy but forgiveness takes an immense amount of strength. In our world, many people make the same mistake as Katara thinking forgiveness is the same as doing nothing. At the same time, it reminds offenders that forgiveness is truly difficult and not a guarantee. Forgiveness is a great blessing that should not be taken for granted.
9. “I wanted to take out all of my anger on him. But I couldn't. I don't know if it's because I'm too weak... or if because I'm strong enough not to.” - Katara
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After Katara confronts the firebender responsible for her mother’s death, she relates to Aang that she couldn’t hurt him but is confused if it’s a sign of weakness or strength. When someone is hurt, retaliation is natural and understandable, but those with true inner strength can take the high road without stooping to their enemy’s level.
8. “Pride is not the opposite of shame but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.” - Iroh
Image Source: ATLA/ ATLOK
Throughout the series, Iroh is helping his nephew unlearn the indoctrination of the Fire Nation. He reminds Zuko that pride and shame are the same misguided emotions. To truly conquer both pride and shame, one needs to find the humility to admit when they’re wrong and make the proper course correction. Only then will they conquer the pride that prevents them from learning and the same that prevents them from trying.
7. “You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.” - Iroh
Image Source: Ofir Moreno
As Iroh continues watching his nephew taking the wrong path and becoming obsessed with capturing the Avatar, he gently reminds him that neither the Fire Nation nor even the Avatar can give him hope. It has to come from within. In an era of doom scrolling and a 24-hour news cycle, it’s easy to emerge with despair. However, if you look within, you’ll find the light that the world can only snuff out if you let it.
6. “If you look for the light, you will often find it, but if you look for the darkness, that is all you will ever see.” - Iroh
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While this quote is technically from the sequel series The Legend of Korra, it has the honor of being Iroh’s voice actor Greg Baldwin’s favorite quote. It’s a gentle reminder that most of the world is selectively blind and chooses to focus on the darkness, blinding them to the light. Looking for the light is an active choice and may take some work, but the other option is to be consumed by darkness.
5. “Life is like this dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you’ll come to a better place.” - Iroh
Image Source: Avatar Wiki - Fandom
In an unexpected team-up with Iroh and Aang, they find themselves in the Crystal Catacombs underneath Ba Sing Se. Aang asks Iroh for advice after choosing Katara over the power of the Avatar State. Iroh compares life to the tunnel they’re in, assuring him that it’s best to just keep moving. Most people with a little bit of recollection will realize they’re in a place that was a mere prayer or dream years ago.
4. “While it’s always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing.” - Iroh
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Uncle Iroh has a lot of wisdom to share. Everyone has burdens that only they can carry, but a lot of the overwhelming emotions can be calmed by relying on others to bring them through their darkest moments. A great friend can cut through the darkness and remind someone of how bright their light shines. But to be open to help from others and finding friends, it’s imperative to be open to others.
3. “The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.” - Guru Pathik
Image Source: Nikhil Reddy
Aang meets with Guru Pathik to unblock his chakras and master the Avatar State. In one of the exercises, the guru urges him to break through the illusion of separation. There is far more that unites people than separates them. Although the world and many of its leaders focus on the division for reasons of profit, focusing on what unites the human race will naturally lead to more understanding and compassion.
2. “We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.” - Zuko
Image Source: Medium
After 100 years of oppression from the Fire Nation, many of the other nations learned to fear firebenders. Zuko recognizes the horrors for what they are and sees the need for the nation’s rebirth. Before the war started, the four nations lived in harmony, and Zuko was confident that they could again. This has parallels to the real world as fear is a tool of oppression in many dictatorships and even democracies. If every nation adopted the principles of peace and kindness, war would cease to exist. While it’s difficult to convince the nations, each individual can pursue the path of peace and kindness, starting a grassroots movement for a better world.
1. “The true mind can weather all lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can touch the poison of hatred without being harmed. From beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light.” - Lion Turtle
Image Source: The Catcher in the Wry - Wordpress.com
In the series finale, Aang is caught between following his Air Nomad beliefs and preventing a great evil from overtaking the world. The Lion Turtle shares with him a method to take away the Fire Lord’s power by removing his bending without taking away his life. Despite all the pressure from the world and even his friends, Aang manages to stay true to himself and his principles. Even after seeing how hatred and fear transformed the world, Aang was able to hold onto his light and serve as a model for those in the real world struggling to hold onto their values in a world pressuring them to give them up.
The Avatar: The Last Airbender series has a wealth of wisdom to offer and inspire the world. By taking some or all of these quotes into their hearts, fans can begin the journey to remind the world and those in it of their inner strength and the irresistible effect of their light.
Source(s): Paste Magazine, CBR, MovieWeb, GamesRadar