'Elder Scrolls 6' Was First Announced Six Years Ago With No Further Updates
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At E3 2018, there were many great announcements, the same as every year the event ran for. But one particular announcement pleased fans of a certain Bethesda franchise. This was the year that The Elder Scrolls 6 was announced. It really has been that long. In that time, fans expected more information and even new trailers, but it wasn’t to be.
Now, as noted by Reddit user ‘RoboPup’, more than 2,403 days have passed since that announcement. Why that specific number of days? Because that is the number of days between The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s release date and when The Elder Scrolls 6 was announced.
Over six years since that announcement, which even Bethesda development chief Todd Howard was surprised by. The Elder Scrolls 6 is a case of being announced too soon, as early development only started in August 2023. With nothing revealed about the game for so long, fans are left wondering when the first proper look at the game will come.
It’s very unlikely that The Elder Scrolls 6 will be that fourth mystery game during the coming Developer Direct. That event will focus on games coming out in 2025. There will be a Bethesda presence during it, as DOOM: The Dark Ages will be one of the games showcased. Direct from the developers themselves.
Source: IGN