'Twilight' Is Going Animated!
Image Source: Gamespot
It was announced last year from Lionsgate that a new TV adaptation of Stephanie Meyer’s fantasy-romance novel series “The Twilight Saga” was in its early stages of development. More recently during a Morgan Stanley Media Conference Q&A, Lionsgate vice-chairman Michael Burns revealed that this new adaptation is an animated series. While no more details are available on this series at this time, the choice to animate a live-action IP is a very interesting decision that gives this series the opportunity to lean further into Twilight’s more fantastical elements.
“Twilight” tells the story of Bella, a human who falls in love with Edward, a vampire, and the various challenges and clashes between their worlds and those of other fantastical creatures such as werewolves. The original Twilight Saga books originally began publication in 2005 with “Twilight,” followed by “New Moon,” “Eclipse,” and “Breaking Dawn in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively.
The first Twilight film released in 2008, starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, spawning four sequels covering each of the subsequent books, with Breaking Dawn being broken into two parts, as was the norm for film adaptations of YA fantasy and sci-fi novels at the time.
Fans of the iconic YA series will have to stay tuned to see how this animated adaptation turns out.
Source(s): Variety