TV & Film Alyssa Tyra TV & Film Alyssa Tyra

Horror Films Everyone Should See At Least Once

Horror scene

Image Source: IMDb

One of the best things about the horror genre is that there is something for everyone. To be honest, though, that can also be one of the worst things about the genre. Because there are so many films that fall into hundreds of subgenres, it can get overwhelming trying to figure out what you should watch. I have compiled a list of the ten horror films that I think everyone should see at least once. I have also included where you can watch them to hopefully make it a bit easier when choosing your next movie for movie night. (Side note: After finishing this article, I watched The Autopsy of Jane Doe on Netflix, and it definitely belongs somewhere on this list. If you want to watch one of the most fascinating and unique horror films of all time, then you need to check this one out!)

10. 'The Shining' (1980)

The Shining

Image Source: IMDb

The Shining should be on everyone's list of horror movies to see in their lifetime. The film is a masterpiece of writing, directing, and cinematography. Although there is a lot of controversy around the making of the film and the treatment of Shelley Duvall, it is still a film that needs to be seen. Jack Nicholson is a genius in this film with his portrayal of a man slowly losing his mind, and the ending of the film is one of the greatest twists in horror. 

The Shining is available to rent on Amazon Prime


9. 'The Others' (2001)

The Others

Image Source: IMDb

I feel like this is a film that most horror fans know of but many people haven’t seen. The film itself isn’t why I put it on the list. Nicole Kidman is phenomenal in this, and the cinematography is stunning, but the best thing about this film is the twist. You will never see it coming, and once you know the twist, you can’t help but want to watch it again to see what you missed. This is one of the few films where knowing the twist makes the second watch better because it completely changes the film and every shadow you see on the wall. 

The Others is available to rent on Amazon Prime. 

8. 'Poltergeist' (1982)


Image Source: IMDb

Poltergeist is a classic, and for good reason. It is one of the best supernatural horror films of all time. You can watch this movie a hundred times and never get tired of it or get used to the jump-scares. The acting in this film is the best thing about it because you feel the fear that the family is feeling. The actors went above and beyond with their portrayals of the family and the scientists who came in to help. I would definitely recommend skipping the sequel, though, because it is horrible. 

Poltergeist is available to rent on Amazon Prime

7. 'Jaws' (1975)


Image Source: IMDb

I do not consider Jaws a horror film because I love sharks, but I know that it technically is one, so I had to put it on this list. This film not only had a massive impact on the film industry by reigniting fans’ love of creature features, but it also changed the world. Unfortunately, the film led to many people becoming terrified of sharks and many sharks being murdered because of the film. However, the film also inspired many fans to become marine biologists, and it is one of the reasons that we have so many shark scientists today. The shark in this film is one of the best things about it because they chose to use an animatronic representation rather than CGI, which added to the scare factor of the film. 

Jaws is available to stream on Netflix. 

6. 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' (1984)

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Image Source: IMDb

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a classic for a reason. This film has everything you could want in a horror film and more. Robert Englund is a master at his craft, and when you put him and Wes Craven together, you are guaranteed to have a good time. Freddy is a terrifying villain, but the best thing about him is his one-liners. They always hit at just the right moment, and they add dark humor to the otherwise horrifying scene. 

A Nightmare on Elm Street is available to rent on Amazon Prime. 

5. 'Trick ‘r Treat' (2007)

Trick 'r Treat

Image Source: IMDb

Trick ‘r Treat is one of the best horror films I have ever seen! It is structured like an anthology but strays away from that structure at the end of the film when it shows you how every single story is connected. The main character, Sam, is so cute and terrifying, but what makes him so great is that he never speaks! You form a bond with this character without ever hearing a word from him. The casting for this film is also spectacular, and it has just the right amount of jump scares and gore without going too far. 

Trick ‘r Treat is available to stream on Max. 

4. 'The Grudge' (2004)

The Grudge

Image Source: IMDb

This is an American reimagining of the hugely popular Japanese film Ju-on: The Grudge. I have seen both the American and Japanese versions, and for once, the American version is better than the original film. This is a great introduction to foreign horror because while it was made in the US, it kept the Japanese actress for Kayako from the original film, is set in Japan, and has a writing and directing style that is more reflective of the Japanese style than the American horror genre we are accustomed to. The film is also great if you are looking for something with very little gore that is more unsettling than horrifying. This film explores domestic violence in a very real way, so I wanted to add a quick trigger warning for that. 

The Grudge is available to stream on Peacock

3. 'Creature From The Black Lagoon' (1954)

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Image Source: IMDb

This is not only my favorite classic horror film; it is my favorite classic film. I love classic movies, and this one has everything you could possibly want. The Creature’s costume in this film is mind-blowingly beautiful and realistic, especially taking into consideration when it was made. This film is smart, which is one of my favorite things about it. The characters are mostly scientists with decisions that are well thought out, and everything they do moves the plot forward. There is also no gore, so it is great for younger horror fans or anyone who just wants a good horror movie without the blood. 

Creature from the Black Lagoon is available to rent on Amazon Prime. 

2. 'Scream' (1996)


Image Source: IMDb

If you have read many of my articles, then you know how much I love the Scream franchise! I feel like every film in the franchise, except for five, should be on this list, but if you are only going to watch one film from the franchise, it has to be the original. Yes, it is cheesy and goofy, but it is all done on purpose. This film was so important to the slasher genre and the horror genre as a whole because it came at a time when the genre was dying out. Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven created the perfect slasher film that made fun of the stupid rules woven into every slasher up to 1996 while also respecting the genre and creating the second-best slasher of all time. I could spend hours talking about why I love these movies so much!

Scream is available to stream on Max. 

1. 'Halloween' (1978)


Image Source: IMDb

The ultimate must-watch horror film for me is, of course, the original Halloween. This film is the definition of perfection. It has jump scares, unsettling atmosphere, humor, a little sex, and plenty of kills. Jamie Lee Curtis is not only introduced to us as an actress, but she also becomes the definition of what a modern-day scream queen should be. This film changed the horror genre forever, and it was done with a small budget and as a way for John Carpenter to show his skill set. This movie was made to act as a visual resume, and instead, it became the blueprint for the perfect slasher film. This is another film and franchise that I could spend hours talking about!

Halloween is available to rent on Amazon Prime.


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