Aphra Visits Snoke's Future Home In 'Star Wars: Doctor Aphra' #29
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Continuing from the previous issue, Doctor Aphra #29 begins with the still-possessed Aphra arriving at the planet Pyrr IX. There, she and her murder droids discover the remains of an ancient Ascendant temple. As Aphra explores the temple, the Spark Eternal explains how their creation was finalized in that very place. This is interspersed with flashbacks to said events that Aphra can witness herself via the Spark interfacing with her mind. We see that when the Ascendant’s leader, Miril arrived at the temple, she was given an offer by her fellow Ascendant acolyte Ilith.
Once Miril entered the temple, she found that Ilith had captured one of the Sith Darkseekers that had been hunting them. Ilith then informed Miril that the Spark Eternal had yet to be weaponized and that it wouldn’t if Miril wasn't willing to take a life. Refusing to kill even one of the Sith, Ilith went on to torture the Darkseeker to death before being interrupted by the rest of the Darkseekers, who rushed into the temple with their lightsabers bared to avenge their fallen acolyte. As they were overwhelmed by the Darkseekers, Ilith was stabbed through the chest. Dying, Ilith begged Miril to kill him with the Spark Eternal and complete the Spark’s weaponization. Miril begrudgingly did so, taking Ilith’s life and allowing the Spark to use the dark side against the Sith.
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Meanwhile, Sana Starros and her team confront Kho Phon Farrus and demand that they explain their actions. Kho goes on to confess Qi’ra’s plan to destroy Emperor Palpatine. Utilizing an ancient device called the Fermata Cage, Qi’ra intends to use an ancient legend about a Sith spirit inside the Cage to lure Palpatine to her and seal him inside the cage forever. With Kho’s reluctant cooperation, Sana and her team leave to confront Aphra at the Amaxine space station; the future lair of Supreme Leader Snoke. The issue then ends with the Spark taking full control over Aphra and leaving to confront Vader and Sidious alongside Qi’ra at the space station.
Image Source: YouTube
Doctor Aphra #29 does a good job of setting up to the final confrontation between Aphra and Vader that has been built up over the last few issues. I’m interested to see how Qi’ra will utilize the Spark in her plan, like if she will try using them and Aphra’s electro-tattoos in a last-ditch effort to unlock the Fermata Cage. I also like the added backstory for the Spark Eternal, showing that neither the device nor Miril wanted to use the dark side and only did so out of desperation. Whoever ends up surviving this face-off between the Sith and Crimson Dawn, the ramifications are sure to be eternal.
Rating: 8/10