Cassian, These Are Your Next Steps
Image Source: CultureSlate
Season 1 of Andor gave insight into Cassian’s journey to the rebellion. Both in the physical sense and the emotional. He grew from someone who took advantage of the Empire for his own gain to someone who wanted to make a difference. His eyes were opened to what the Empire saw the common folk as. His final line in the final episode was a testament to that. He cannot be one of those lesser beings anymore, wanting to join the fight to be someone. His growth as part of the rebellion in season 2 of Andor will show the hardships he goes through to become the man he was in Rogue One.
The start of season 2 will see a year has passed, meaning the beginning of the season will be around 4 years before the battle of Yavin. With three-episode blocks, each covering a year as the story gets ever-closer to Rogue One, there’s a lot of self-discovery for Cassian to undergo as he takes on ever more dangerous jobs in the name of the rebellion. And gets a new friend.
Series showrunner Tony Gilroy has already stated that K-2SO is “one of the responsibilities” of the second season, which is likely to mean their first meeting will be shown on screen. It’s expected that such a meeting will be changed somewhat from the Cassian & K-2SO comic book, especially considering Cassian has already been accosted by one of these KX security droids.
Gilroy has stated that the exploration of Yavin will be a part of this upcoming season, as well as the exploration of the difficulties in bringing the Alliance together. Cassian, being a part of the rebel intelligence network, would be an instrumental part of that. However, with his duties taking him to bases throughout the rebellion, he’ll likely be put into dangerous situations and even have some run-ins with those hunting him as he aids the rebels in banding together.
Of course, that banding together doesn’t start until the catalyst that is Mon Mothma, is branded a traitor for calling out Palpatine’s rule of the galaxy. We’ve already seen the end of her escape in Rebels, but what about the beginning? Could it be likely that Cassian helps out with that, as Mothma turns to Luthen to help her leave Coruscant? A senate showdown between Cassian and the Senate Guards as he protects Mothma in their escape seems like a great way to establish trust between them. Trust that would see him taking on the most tricky of assignments that absolutely need to see success.
Source(s): Rolling Stone [1], [2]