What Kiri's Powers Mean In ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’
Image Source: Univision
Avatar: The Way of Water introduces Kiri, the adopted daughter of Jake and Neytiri, and the heir to Grace’s legacy. She is everything but a normal Na’vi girl. By the age of fourteen, Kiri has read, watched, and rewatched every paper and video log created by her biological mother, Grace. She is also fluent in English. This makes Kiri incredibly capable, intelligent, and adaptive to her environment. Her abilities are unnatural for any Na’vi. When using her powers, Kiri’s bioluminescence skin channels energy like the Tree of Souls, a feature unique to the All-Mother Eywa and not something a Na’vi can do. However, Kiri’s powers may lead her down the path of saving the Na’vi’ or watching the gradual death of Eywa.
Kiri is the biological reincarnation of Grace and everything that Grace was before she was shot by Colonel Quaritch. Through Eywa, Grace’s memories and consciousness were imprinted on an embryo inside her avatar body. This close connection with Eywa allows Kiri to adapt effortlessly to the ocean. Other Na’vis have not developed such an extreme connection to Eywa and cannot control the environment as Kiri can. She is able to seamlessly adapt to the change in environment when she moves from the large forest to the ocean, as seen in her ability to hold her breath while visiting the Metakayina reef. Meanwhile, her siblings Tuk and Neteyam are struggling and going back up for air.
Image Source: Fiction Horizon
Much like Jake did in the first film, Kiri is the Will of Eywa. This is represented by Eywa’s wood sprites landing on Kiri as they did with Jake. There are many instances in Avatar: The Way of Water that alludes to Kiri’s unique connection with Eywa. The Na’vi can access and “download” information through their connection with Eywa, like at the Tree of Souls. When Kiri connects with Eywa at the Metakayina Spirit Tree, she has an intense vision and massive seizure underwater. Another instance of Kiri’s unique connection to Eywa is how Kiri befriends an ikran by simply offering it her friendship. Other Na’vis have to wrestle with their ikran to strengthen their bond. Kiri’s special connection with Pandora’s animals is seen again when Kiri is caught in a trance with the wood sprites surrounding her. The grass that Kiri lay upon pulsates like Eywa’s heartbeat like when Tree of Souls channels Eywa’s energy a the end of the original Avatar film. By the end of the film, Kiri can summon the wildlife of Pandora to come to her defense on a small scale. However, it is important to note that Kiri’s powers are the byproduct of Eywa’s Will, which allows her to tap into the living energy of Pandora. Kiri’s connection and abilities will only grow in the next movie, Avatar: The Seed Bearer
Image Source: Avatar Wiki
Like the Chosen One in a different galaxy, Anakin Skywalker, Kiri has no father and is essentially born through supernatural means. This allows her to channel Eywa (or the Force, in Anakin’s case) and perform amazing feats. Both also receive visions that may lead them down a path of fear and uncertainty. Like Anakin, this means that Kiri’s powers have the potential to bring great disaster or protect the balance of life. However, Anakin lacked a strong sense of family but Kiri does not, and this might make all the difference.
We may see Kiri become more powerful in the future as her abilities grow to mirror Eywa’s. She may gain the ability to call upon all creatures of Pandora, whether they live in the forest, the sky, or the sea, to defend the world from human invaders. There is also a possibility that, like Eywa, she will be able to transfer consciousness from one body to another. Kiri has already shown how she is willing to sacrifice herself to protect Pandora. However, even the determination to do good can lead them down the path of evil. Kiri’s role in future films cannot be overstated, as she continues to act as the physical manifestation of Eywa’s will.