'Star Wars: Andor' Has Changed Music In The 'Star Wars' Universe Forever

Part of an Andor poster image, next to a hand on a piano keyboard.

Image Source: YouTube

The Star Wars galaxy far, far away is typically associated with larger-than-life musical scores, most of which are attributed to John Williams. Andor showrunner Tony Gilroy reported before the series was even released that the prequel Disney+ miniseries to Rogue One would go a different direction with many of its elements, including the musical composition. Comicbook.com reports that Nicolas Britell (composer and pianist) was not only available, but also very interested in the project. Britell is known for his work on programs such as Moonlight, Succession, Battle of the Sexes, and The King. He successfully crafted the beautiful theme for Andor, and fans may notice that each episode will have slight variations to the main theme, adding a uniquely special feature to the series.

Episode six, titled “The Eye,” is a fantastic example of the innovative use of music to enhance viewer experience. There is a particularly intense scene in which the music tells the viewer as much as the actors do in the moment. Ecks Clips released a video discussing the music in Andor and how it is shaping the Star Wars universe in new and inventive ways; for instance, the music sometimes gives viewers a cue to the emotions and events themselves along the Rebel’s journey.


Image Source: IGN

As of yet, there is no real connection to the “chosen ones” of the franchise (the Skywalkers). There are no major Sith, armies of stormtroopers, or other well-known characters spotlighted, though a few familiar faces may make appearances here and there. This is also intentional, as creators realize that in order to remain relevant, the fanbase needs to see other stories told. Everyone loves an underdog tale, and fans are excitedly embracing the one that features Cassian Andor. IGN discusses in their video that fans have not seen this level of “diegetic music since Revenge of the Sith.”

Andor is setting out to add further depth and clarity to the beloved galaxy. Fans have seen the fanfare; now they will see the grimier parts of the universe. The music is evidence of that change as it “captures the unsettling yet stylish tone” that the series is going for (IGN).


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