This Is Why The Muun Were So Powerful During The Clone Wars
Image Source: Star Wars
As anyone who is a student of history knows, wars are expensive. Anyone who has watched The Clone Wars can see that the full-scale interplanetary war would cost a LOT of money. So, who financed the Clone Wars? Geetsly on explains the Muun’s role and how they held the strings of both sides of the Clone Wars.
The Muuns had started their banking clan long before the Clone Wars began. This was known as the Intergalactic Banking Committee, or the IGBC, with San Hill as its leader. They were the ones who truly controlled all banking across the galaxy. They financed colonization of the Outer Rim, and the Muuns gave generous loans and helped the new colonies - if they played by their rules. If not, then they were subject to heavy debt.
Their monopoly in the Republic system stretches pretty far back. Darth Plageuis was known to have dealings in the IGBC, as did his successor, Darth Sidious. Under Darth Sidious, Count Dooku also worked with the IGBC to subsidize the Separatist movement in the Clone Wars. Yet, even with their obvious Separatist leanings, the Republic still had to work with them to underwrite their Clone Army and their side of the war. In addition, the IGBC was the only place for the Republic to procure credits to get Clone reinforcements. So, just like Darth Sidious, the IGBC played both sides of the Clone Wars for their benefit.
Unfortunately for the Muuns, after the Republic became the Empire, they were dealt with in much the same way as Viceroy Nute Gunray and the Trade Federation: San Hill and the other leaders of the IGBC were executed, and the banks were nationalized; however, even with their leaders dead and the system under the Empire’s control, the IGBC was still able to continue, albeit in a weakened form. After the fall of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, the IGBC regained more of its power.
Source(s): YouTube