5 Interesting Behind The Scenes Facts About Netflix’s New Show ‘Wednesday’
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Unless you have been living under a rock, chances are you have heard about Netflix’s newest show, Wednesday. For those of you that don’t know, it is a new take on The Addams Family that follows Wednesday as she tries to master a newfound psychic ability and find answers to a mystery that involves her family. The show brings us Tim Burton’s TV directorial debut, Christina Ricci back on an Addams Family set, and more content from rising scream queen Jenna Ortega.
The show has captivated audiences since its release, and its behind-the-scenes facts are almost as fascinating as the show. Let's dive into five of the most jaw-dropping behind-the-scene facts about Netflix’s Wednesday!
5. The Two Wednesdays
Image Source: CultureSlate
Christina Ricci, who made the role of Wednesday Addams famous in the 90s, plays the dorm mom Marilyn Thornhill in the Netflix series. According to Jenna, the two never discussed the role of Wednesday because they recognized that they were two distinctly different characters, and Jenna wanted to bring her own flair to the character.
4. The Filming of Thing
Image Source: PopSugar
While most fans assumed that the part of Thing was CGI and added after filming, it turns out that's not true! Netflix actually hired a professional illusionist to play the role of the classic severed hand. The illusionist wore a blue suit that could be edited out later. He spent hours hiding in walls, under tables, and under floors to get the perfect angles for the character.
3. Jenna Choreographed THAT Scene
Image Source: IMDb
Anyone that has seen the series or has been on TikTok knows exactly which scene I am referring to. According to Jenna, she studied young Wednesday from a 1960s Addams Family sitcom and dancing in goth clubs in the 80s. It certainly paid off since not only is the cast and crew of the show raving about the dance, but it has also become one of the most popular TikTok trends and dances currently on the site!
2. Tim Burton Asked Jenna Personally
Image Source: The New York Times
It's not every day you get an e-mail that Tim Burton wants to meet with you, but that is exactly what Jenna says happened while she was filming A24’s X. According to Burton, he felt that she was the only actress for the role of Wednesday Addams, and he wanted to speak with her himself.
1. No Blinking
Image Source: HungerTV
Jenna revealed in a recent interview with Teen Vogue that after accidentally doing an entire take without blinking, Burton asked her if she could do that for the entire series. She explained that the two had already decided that Jenna would use the “Kubrick stare” for the character, but having Jenna refrain from blinking while in character really brought everything together.
Season 1 of Wednesday is currently streaming on Netflix.
Source(s): Teen Vogue, ScreenRant, PopSugar