5 Interesting Behind The Scenes Facts About 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
Image Source: GQ
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is easily one of the best Star Wars films ever made. While it is incredibly sad the film is flawlessly written and has some of the best cinematography of the franchise. It also gave us Andor and finally showed us one of the most pivotal moments in Star Wars history: the stealing of the Death Star plans making the ending of A New Hope possible. Unfortunately, this film has flown under the radar of many fans and is easily the most underrated film in the franchise. Let’s get to know the film a bit better and take a look at five interesting behind-the-scenes facts!
5. Thanks, John!
Image Source: ABC News
While most Star Wars fans know that the film is based on the opening crawl of Star Wars: A New Hope, what many fans might not know is that we have visual effects supervisor John Knoll to thank for the idea. In an interview, he revealed that he wrote a seven-page treatment that he then pitched to the heads of Lucasfilm after George Lucas announced that wanted to shift focus to standalone films. It was a genius move and something that I would love to see more of in the future! While I love the trilogies I would appreciate a focus on more stand-alone films and I think a great place to start would be the opening crawls of some of the other films in the franchise.
4. Filming Continuity
Image Source: ABC News
The filmmakers wanted to make sure that the film felt like the original trilogy since that is where the film falls in the franchise so cameras from the 70s and 80s were used. This made sure that if you wanted to watch the films in chronological story order there would be continuity in filming style and overall look of the films. Honestly, I never noticed this but now I am excited to go back and watch the film! Another way that they ensured continuity was to use the original Yavin 4 sets for all of the Yavin 4 scenes in this film. That way there would be no disconnect in the setting!
3. Missing Moroff
Image Source: ScreenRant
Rogue One had a pretty extensive amount of reshoots and while the film is amazing there were a few things cut out that I think would have made the film even better! One of the things that I wish hadn’t been cut out was Moroff’s presence on Scarif. Moroff is one of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans and a behind-the-scenes photo seems to show the character on Scarif. It would have been so cool to see him and possibly other Partisans fighting alongside the Rebellion.
2. Virtual Sets
Image Source: IMDb
While it is no secret that Star Wars fans are not fans of how much blue and green screen Lucasfilm typically uses it may surprise you to learn that all of the cockpits in this film were virtual sets! They had to cut costs due to the size of the production so it was decided that all of the cockpits would be virtual since they were only featured in a few scenes. This one surprised me because they looked incredibly real!
1. Name Changes
Image Source: IMDb
I can’t imagine this film being titled anything other than Rogue One because it fits perfectly, but it turns out that this was the last title idea! Titles such as Dark Times and Rebellion were thrown around as possibilities but the executives eventually decided to go with Rogue One. Many of the writers didn’t even know that a title had been chosen until Disney made the official announcement!
Rogues One: A Star Wars Story is available to stream on Disney+.
Source(s): Metro, Cinema Blend, ScreenRant