The 5 Most Evil Things The Empire Has Done
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Skeleton Crew joins The Mandalorian in the post-Return of the Jedi / New Republic era of the Star Wars galaxy. Even during this time, the shadow of the Empire still stretches long over the memories of those affected by its totalitarian regime. Here, we will take a look back at some of the more heinous activities committed by the Empire during its almost twenty-year reign.
5. The Inquisitors Tracking Down The Jedi
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The Inquisitors were special Force-users who were recruited by the Empire to continue to hunt down any Jedi who survived Order 66. While Order 66 was technically executed during the last moments of the Galactic Republic, it continued to be enforced during the rule of the Empire. The name of the Inquisitors itself alludes to an evil period of world history: beginning in the late 1400s in Spain, it was decreed that all non-Catholics either convert or leave Spain. Those who did not comply were hunted down, tortured, and even burned at the stake. This was the Spanish Inquisition, and those who perpetrated it were the Inquisitors. This terror-filled edict spread to Portugal and even the New World in Brazil and Mexico. This is shown in Star Wars: Rebels as the Inquisitors leave no planet in the Galaxy untapped in their search for hidden Jedi.
4. Enslaving The Wookiees
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Unfortunately, Filoni had enough material to draw on from the dark side of world history when the concept of enslaving the Wookiees entered the Star Wars universe. Slavery was already present in the galaxy, as we know from Anakin Skywalker’s origins. However, it was officially illegal, being found on Tatooine because of its location on the Outer Rim, making it hard for the Senate to make sure it was governed properly. Even so, Anakin and his mother had their own living quarters and were given a bit of autonomy in how they lived when they weren’t working for Watto. This was not the case with the Wookiees. They were forced from their home world of Kashyyk to work, among other places, in the spice mines of Kessel. The environment on Kessel was completely unlike what the Wookiees were used to, as they were from a densely forested planet. Kessel, on the other hand, was very hot and humid. Anyone could see that the large, fur-covered Wookiees would not be suited to labor there; however, as they were very strong, they were simply worked to death. It has been pointed out that the Empire focused on elevating its human subjects, as aside from Grand Admiral Thrawn, there is no alien representation in the Empire’s ranks. This mistreatment of the Wookiees would be evidence of the Empire’s disregard of its non-human subjects.
3. AJ^6 Cyborg Construct
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First seen in Star Wars on Lobot in The Empire Strikes Back, this evil device turns out to have earlier roots in the Empire, as seen in the “Empire Day” episode of Star Wars: Rebels. There, we meet Tseebo, who was a friend of Ezra Bridger’s parents. Unable to find it within himself to help them when the Empire came for dissidents, Tseebo chose to have this device fitted to his head, giving up his personality for becoming a more machine-like cog for the Empire. Not only did he lose his personality, but he also became very incoherent, not able to make his thoughts known. Chronologically, years later, this is seen in Lobot, Lando Calrissian’s helper on Cloud City. Wordlessly, Lobot keeps track of what is happening on Cloud City, also having turned himself into an almost cyborg-like person with this device. Again, this shows the Empire’s disregard for the individuals that make up its realm.
2. Removal Of Force-Sensitive Children From Their Parents
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In Season Two Episode 10 of Star Wars Rebels, “Future of the Force”, the Ghost crew finds out that the Inquisitors are not only tracking down verified Jedi; they are also able to find infants who are Force-sensitive and take them from their families. Unlike the Jedi, who also took infants who they found to be Force-sensitive, the Inquisitors do this without permission from the infants’ families. These children’s fates with the Inquisitors are unknown; the families that let their children go with the Jedi at least know the path their children are embarking upon. We can be pretty sure that the Force-sensitive infants are not going to a peaceful future; when the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother find the Force-sensitive Alora and her grandmother trying to escape on a freighter ship, Fifth Brother ignites his lightsaber and hurls it towards the passengers. Although this episode aired in 2015, a few years later in the United States, the concept of separating children from families did raise its ugly head. It also hearkens back to the Kindertransport during World War II, where children in Germany were sent from their families to the less-war-torn Great Britain in hopes that they would survive, even though most of their families did not. This fact that families will do what it takes to save their children is a universal theme.
1. Blowing Up Alderaan
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Building the Death Star itself would be the most evil thing, as putting such horrific power into one weapon is pretty mean; however, as we see at the end of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, that Palpatine had already started its construction before the beginning of the Galactic Empire. Putting the weapon into use on Jedha and Scarif was at least limited to very specific locations that were active military sites. When Grand Moff Tarkin orders the Death Star to be used on Alderaan in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, all to make Princess Leia confess her role in the Rebellion and give up the location of the Rebel Base, we understand the urgency that was behind the action of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Suddenly, without warning, the entire planet was blown up. As Obi-Wan says as he feels this disaster through the Force, “I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.” Even in times of war, there is usually some warning that the enemy is advancing, giving civilians time to evacuate or hide. There was no warning and no place for everyone on the planet to go to - the Empire just shows up and blows it up. Wiping out this entire planet is over and beyond what would be considered normal warfare.
These are the most evil things I could come up with that the Empire has committed. The fact that, once it was overthrown, there were still vestiges of people who thought that it was better than the New Republic, I suppose, shows that people will stick with the status quo if that is what they are used to.
Sources:,,, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars Rebels, Season Two, Episode Ten: The Future of the Force,,, Star Wars Rebels, Season One, Episode Eight: Empire Day