Cillian Murphy Confirms He Isn't In '28 Years Later'
Image Source: IFC Center
After enjoying his performance in the first two films of the ‘Infected’ saga, fans were CONVINCED they saw the 48-year-old Irish actor in the trailer for the new threequel. When the teaser trailer dropped, fans took notice of one character's haircut and facial structure and convinced itself that it was Murphy. But alas, it was not. Producer Andrew Macdonald confirmed that the actor does not appear in ’28 Years Later’- not in the first film, anyway. ’28 Years Later’ is the first film of a planned three-film series, and Macdonald has said that he hopes there is a role for Murphy’s character Jim in the upcoming movies. In the meantime, Murphy is involved in the production behind the scenes, serving as an executive producer.
Meanwhile, the man who set the rumours off is actually extra Angus Neill. The actor apparently bore enough of a resemblance to the character of Jim when in character that even director Danny Boyle’s wife thought that people would confuse Neill for Murphy.
Whatever the case, fans are looking forward to the film, the latest installment in the story of how the Rage Virus, originally intended for use in chemical warfare, unleashes its effects on the world after escaping from multiple laboratories.
Sources: Empire Online, Wikipedia