Co-creator Of 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle', Kevin Eastman, Reveals Details On New Story
Image Source: IGN
IGN Fan Fest 2024 was this past weekend, and all sorts of new details on games, comics, and all sorts of fandom things have made their rounds on the internet.
Kevin Eastman, one of the original creators of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, sat down with IGN to talk about the upcoming sequel to the popular comic The Last Ronin. The Last Ronin chronicled the revenge of the last surviving turtle, Michelangelo, as he takes on the Foot Clan and the grandson of Shredder in a sort of dystopian future in New York City.
Eastman explained they didn’t know they would make a sequel to the original, but they’re looking forward to staying in that universe and exploring it. The sequel takes place about 16 years after the first Last Ronin, and Casey Jones’ daughter is leading a new set of four turtles as their sensei.
He told IGN there are still four turtles. Their new names are Yi, Odyn, Moja, and Uno, and “There's a nice cross-section of different personalities, much like the original turtles. You want to have them always love their family, but not always like them…They might have disagreements, but when they need to work together as a team, it's the heart and soul of the family that always keeps them together. And that's always going to be the foundation of anything we do with turtles.”
This time around, however, the turtles will be a different species, and so their sizes and weight matter this time around, and it was something Eastman said they had fun exploring. He told IGN, “…with this, Tom and I had a very specific idea, where we wanted them to be different species of turtles. So they would have different physical attributes, and that would translate into their height and weight and even personality….Ben [Bishop] really crafted some beautiful silhouettes and some unique designs, and it was going through the process of seeing all these 'naked' turtles and then wanting to put outfits on them and then play dress up and making them work logically and sensibly of what they might be.”
He went on to talk about the upcoming video game and what it was like to work on that and how dedicated the developers are, as well as aspirations for a possible Zack Snyder adaptation of the comic into a movie.
The first issue of The Last Ronin II is released on March 6, 2024.
Source(s): IGN