Director Of 'The Flash' Opens Up On Ezra Miller Controversy, Hopeful For Growth
Image Source: JoBlo
Over the last year, headlines had no shortage of coverage for the controversies surrounding Ezra Miller. Thus, it was a big surprise that The Flash movie survived the shakeup following Gunn and Safran’s hiring as CEOs of DC Films. During a press Q&A following a screening of The Flash, director Andy Muschetti opened up about Miller’s mental health.
“Ezra is well now. We’re all hoping that they get better… They’re taking the steps to recovery. They’re dealing with mental health issues, but they’re well. We talked to them not too long ago, and they’re committed to getting better.”
Barbara Muschetti, a producer on the film and sister of Andy, followed that by saying:
“And, I have to say, during our shoot, during principal photography, their commitment to the role was something we’ve never seen. And the discipline to the work, the willingness - physical, mental, and just wanting to go beyond the pale - is just amazing.”
Following a meeting with Warner Bros. to discuss the future of the film, Miller promised the company and the public that he would seek mental health treatment. Since that meeting, no new allegations have come forward against the actor, but some outlets have suggested that Miller had been paying off victims and having them sign non-disclosure agreements. They are also serving a year of probation after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor for an unlawful trespassing charge.
Whether or not DC and Warner Bros. will continue to work with Miller as the Flash is currently unknown. Early reports have labeled the new film as a truly groundbreaking piece of superhero cinema. James Gunn has hinted that some actors of the DCEU may follow over to his new DCU, but it is hard to imagine Miller making the transition with this much baggage no matter how good the film may be. Regardless, The Flash will be premiering in theaters on June 16th, 2023.