Hiroyuki Kotani's 'Ratatan' Game Meets Kickstarter Goal In Under An Hour
Image Source: Push Square
PlayStation fans seem to be clamoring for a successor to the PSP, and though they are sort of getting something similar to that with the Q, it’s not exactly the same thing. The handheld PSP holds a special place in fans’ hearts, and so does the game Patapon.
Now, it looks like fans may get to relive those glory days from Patapon creator Hiroyuki Kotani. According to Kotaku, verified on Kickstarter, Hiroyuki Kotani launched a campaign on the crowdfunding site to fund a new game called Ratatan, which he announced at BitSummit last week in Japan. The excitement of fans is evident in the fact that the Kickstarter reached its funding goal of nearly $140,000 in less than an hour, and as of this writing is sitting at almost $750,000, with 29 days still to go. It’s important to note that it needed nearly $530,000 in stretch goals to bring it to consoles, so it looks like it will be headed to current-generation consoles.
For those unfamiliar with these games, Patapon is a rhythm-based, side-scrolling strategy game. You lead small armies that march to the chant of “Pata Pata Patapon” and take on increasingly challenging bosses. Subsequent updates and sequels introduced multiplayer aspects into the game, and it looks like the new game will do the same as the Kickstarter claims it aims to offer an “expansive online multiplayer gameplay experience.”
This should be read with a word of caution if you’re a Patapon fan. A successful Kickstarter is not a guarantee that the game will be made, as there have been failures to do that in the past, and, according to Kotaku, Sony seems reluctant to make these kinds of games. Kotani himself told Video Games Chronicle that this Kickstarter is not a sequel to Patapon, but a game they want to make, and they’re open to talking with Sony about making a Patapon sequel in the future if the desire is there.
Source(s): Kotaku