Images From 'Wheel Of Time' Trailer Give Fans Plenty To Think About
Image Source: Mashable
If you’re looking for some adventure and magic that reminds them of a good Dungeons and Dragons game, then Prime Video has some hits for you. Aside from the Lord of the Rings spin-off, The Rings of Power, there is also the series The Wheel of Time.
Based on Robert Jordan’s book franchise of the same name, season one follows a powerful channeller named Moiraine and her assistant, Lan, as well as a group of five villagers. After an attack on the village, the channeller suspects one person in the group of being a reincarnation of another channeller, who will either stop a dark evil or bring about the end of the world.
Recently, a few screenshots of an upcoming trailer for season two have been unveiled, and for fans of the series, they're ripe for discussion.
Image Source: Nerdist
One common theme that appears to be shared between these stills is the shared expressions of stress and concern in each of the characters' faces. In one still, the character Perrin, having previously been naive to the world outside of the Two Rivers, is shown looking cautious and tired, having seen what the world holds for him, and it's nothing easy.
Image Source: Nerdist
In another, two beginner channellers are seen amid some form of conflict. One channeller, named Elayne is a previously unseen character, which should also make fans curious about her appearance, especially if they've read the books beforehand.
Image Source: Nerdist
While there's not much more information as of right now about what to expect for season two, these screenshots show that what lies in wait for the cast will most likely be more than what they expected, and may be in over their heads. There's only one way to know for sure, though, and that's to keep an eye out for when Prime Video decides to release the next trailer for The Wheel of Time!
Source(s): Nerdist