Internal Emails Detail Xbox's Future Plans And Preservation Efforts
Image Source: IGN
The winds of change are blowing through the video game industry at the moment, with large layoffs leading to over 8,000 developers being let go over the last year, and some shifting approaches to games as the next generation looms in the coming years.
Questions surrounding the industry have grown so numerous that when it was rumored that Xbox, after acquiring Activision-Blizzard back in October, was going multi-platform, it prompted Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Gaming, to address the rumors on a podcast not long ago. He was joined by Sarah Bond, the head of Xbox, who revealed that they are working on their next generation console, and it will be the “largest technical leap” between generations in gaming history, according to her.
Now, through an acquired internal email, it’s been revealed that they are moving “full steam ahead” on the next generation console for the Xbox. That was essentially the extent of any mention of the next-generation console, and it was followed by other PR about Diablo IV and the company’s work with AI.
There was also an interesting tidbit about a Game Preservation team that they had recently formed at Xbox to focus on the very same. Xbox and Microsoft’s pushes within the industry support this initiative, with the expansion of GamePass from just Xbox to also PC, and ensuring players about backward compatibility with each console. What exactly this division will be doing is unclear, but with the growth of the digital realm in recent years, it’s well worth the effort to preserve gaming history.