'Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories' Finds New Life As A Real Card Deck
Image Source: PoloGeist
In celebration of Kingdom Hearts’ 20th anniversary, Square Enix has been releasing any conceivable merchandise, including silverware sets, rugs, and a couch. Now, the company may have met the mark with the release of a card deck based on the one used in Chain of Memories.
Kingdom Hearts spent most of its lifespan jumping between consoles and adding new gameplay elements or gimmicks to each title. Since Chain of Memories was designed for the Game Boy Advance, the battle system from the first game wouldn’t work. As a solution, the creative team implemented a card deck, much to the chagrin of players. For many, the cards were frustrating to use as players were required to use cards even to swing their keyblade. As difficult as the gameplay was, the title stands as one of the best story games in the franchise and gives players a chance to grow closer to Riku during the other side of the game that saw him face his darkness and find a different path.
Image Source: Siliconera
While Sora may not have memories of his time at Castle Oblivion, many players do, and they can relive those moments with this new card deck. The deck is a standard set of 52 cards with four suits. They’re unique in that they retain the jagged crown shape of the in-game cards. Each card features an image used on the game deck. Images of Disney characters like Mickey Mouse and Genie and original characters like Roxas as well as game worlds like Wonderland and Hollow Bastion and various keyblades, appear on the cards. The rest of the cards mimic the ones used to open rooms in the games.
The cards retain their red, blue, green, and gold colors, but the colors don’t match the suit. Instead, each suit is printed in the top left corner above the card number. The number also appears in larger print on the bottom right. Although these cards may be a little difficult to shuffle, given their unique shape, they are far easier to use than the in-game system. This deck comes with everything you need to play any card game that uses a standard deck and makes a great collector’s item for the shelf.
Source(s): Siliconera, The Gamer