'Loki' Might Have an Influence On 'Secret Wars', According To A Marvel Producer
Image Source: IGN Southeast Asia
Kevin Wright, Marvel Studios producer, recently discussed how Loki may influence the highly anticipated film Secret Wars on the Phase Zero podcast. The producer talked about “Loki and the choices he made, Even [how] Thanos coming to Earth is a ramification of Loki not doing his job in Avengers.” This stands to reason, as free will and choices have impacted the multiverse in many ways through fan-favorite characters such as Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Wanda Maximoff, and Kang the Conqueror. All of whom prove that Loki and Sylvie, for that matter, are in good company when it comes to making poor choices.
In the interview, Wright said it would be “cool if the coming phases also ran through Loki and his choices, but in a different, unexpected way.” He said, “If we tell our story really well, the rest of the MCU will embrace it.” Another tidbit that Wright teased is the possibility of Sophia Di Martino’s Sylvie playing a role in Secret Wars as she shoulders “a lot of responsibility” for the events within the multiverse. No confirmations have been made yet about whether Sylvie will appear in the film or be implicated indirectly for her role in the events as they play out. Only time will tell how the god or goddess of mischief will show up when all is said and done, but without a doubt, their influence and, preferably, their presence on the screen will be nothing less than enchanting.
Much is yet to unfold in terms of Loki and Sylvie’s choices. Don’t forget that the new episodes of Loki drop on Disney+ on Thursdays!
Source: Heroic Hollywood